Who’s at Congress
Laidlaw College
Nau mai Haere mai ki tēnei Kāreti. Ko Te Rongopai te tūāpapa.
Laidlaw College is the largest interdenominational theological tertiary institute in Aotearoa New Zealand, offering qualifications from certificate to doctoral level, in the areas of theology and biblical studies, mission, ministry, counselling and teacher education.
Carey Baptist College
At Carey we serve the church by training leaders for effective ministry, and equipping disciples for faithful witness.
Experience training that is deeply formational.
Encounter theology that is profoundly integrated.
Be enveloped in a community that is dynamic and supportive.
Discover the many Christian organisations at Congress
Learn more about the many extraordinary Christian organisations represented at this year’s Congress. Browse the evolving alphabetical list, updated as submissions come in. If your organization isn’t featured yet, our apologies. Make sure you fill out the Google form you were sent to be included.
A city-wide network of churches working together to bring flourishing to Tāmaki Makaurau
Check out our upcoming
Jonathan Dove
Ben Mai
Dale Campbell
Prayer Leader / Relationship Manager
We’re Biblically-inspired by the likes of Nehemiah, a wise, caring, prayerful and strong person, who led his people to repair the broken walls of their city Jerusalem, and to bring about flourishing.
Auckland Church Network is not a church, nor a denomination. It is an organic movement, in which all Bible-believing churches can participate. We’re working together to bring flourishing to our city.
Spreading the Loving Presence of God in NZ through Strategic Philanthropy
Send us an email
Phone: 027 542 7528
Irene Judge-Jenkins
At Arjay Trust we believe in strategic philanthropy to equip God’s work in Aotearoa. We are always interested in innovative ways people are bringing God’s loving presence to their local neighbourhood. The trust has been funding Christian initiatives in NZ for over 50 years.
Working to provide hope and aid for suffering Christians
Phone: 09 280 4385
Stephanie Johnston
Barnabas Aid is a Christian charity that aims to support Christian communities and churches around the world that face persecution and discrimination because of their faith.
We aim to provide material and spiritual assistance to strengthen Christians in need, and also seek to encourage prayer and raise awareness about the plight of the persecuted Church.
Phone: 0800 424 253
James Williamson
Our mission is to help make the Bible accessible to everyone and to encourage interaction with it.
Growing Investments,
Growing Churches
Phone: 0508 728 464
Dan Mazengarb
Growing Investments, Growing Churches
We exist to see Christian churches and charities throughout our nation thrive, and to give everyday New Zealanders the opportunity to grow their investments while also building the Kingdom of God in Aotearoa.
Theology that transforms
0800 773 776
Chris Berry
Executive Director
Rev Dr John Tucker
George Wieland
Since 1926 Carey has been training Christian leaders to bring gospel renewal in churches and communities across Aotearoa and around the world.
By integrating God’s word, God’s world, and God’s work, and by learning with others in a dynamic and supportive community, you will be transformed.
You’ll acquire the biblical knowledge, the practical skills, and the spiritual integrity to be a faithful disciple and an effective leader.
As a college, we celebrate the bicultural heritage and cultural diversity of Aotearoa New Zealand. We welcome all peoples, all cultures. Journey with Carey and be equipped and transformed.
Sharing the heart of the Christian faith in mainstream media
09 525 2730
Phil Guyan
Josh Couch
Senior Producer
Elesha Gordon
Media Chaplaincy General Manager
Matt Burrows
xvox Managing Editor
Nathniel Kandregula
Salt Coordinator
Stephanie Soh Lavemaau
Brand Manager/Producer
At the Christian Broadcasting Association (CBA), mainstream media is our bread and butter. We love that it allows us to have important conversations, we love the pace, the energy and the creativity – and we love the people who make it all happen.
By supporting our work, you help CBA bring hope, light and a faithful Christian presence to an industry that really needs it.
In the beginning
In the late 1960s, long before he became a legend of New Zealand broadcasting, John Hawkesby founded CBA. Riding on the coattails of the Radio Hauraki pirates, the first CBA programme was broadcast by Hawkesby and co from the Tiri, three miles from land in the Hauraki Gulf.
From those innovative and audacious beginnings, CBA has gone on to produce thousands of programmes reaching hundreds of thousands of listeners across more than 50 years.
Working in partnership to end the cycle of poverty and disability
09 414 9405
Elizabeth Viljoen
Church and Community Engagement
cbm NZ (Christian Blind Mission) is an international Christian organisation whose primary purpose is to improve the quality of life of the world’s poorest people with disabilities and those at risk of disability, who live in the most disadvantaged societies.
To Love God! To love People! To make disciples!
Send us an email
027 47 00 279
Capt Monika Clark
National Director
Our aim is to train trainers, and help all followers of Christ to fulfill the great commission, using modern, effective tools and techniques. By equipping churches, Faith groups and individuals, we aim to help the Church share God’s story of love and redemption.
We are a Society of Evangelists, called to share the transformative Gospel of Jesus Christ, to disciple disciple-makers, and to train up leaders to do the same. We are an apostolic team of missionaries, embedded in the Church, called to be a prophetic witness, equipping the Church in her primary mission of bringing the holistic hope of Jesus, in word and deed, to Aotearoa New Zealand and beyond.
‘God’s Kingdom is near’- CANZ exist to help all people in NZ and beyond to experience and share that reality.
Our vision is to see the Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and beyond empowered and equipped to help people come to know Christ and His transforming love that heals people and society, and all of God’s creation.
Working to see people with disability, and their whānau, leading, contributing, growing and belonging in Christian community and wider society
09 636 4763
Kirsty Armitage
Kathie Pace
Operations Manager
Manuele Teofilo
Communications Coordinator
Staci McLean
Elevate Christian Disability Trust is a New Zealand Christian ministry that exists to see people with disability, and their whānau, leading, contributing, growing and belonging in Christian community and wider society.
Elevate provides a variety of support groups around the country, a drop-in centre programme two days a week at our Auckland base, and annual camps for people with disabilities and their families.
We publish a free magazine The Encourager, filled with inspirational and encouraging articles, reflections and devotions written by, or about, people with disabilities.
We offer training in disability inclusion, especially for churches and other Christian ministries, and we raise awareness of disability issues through the annual Disability Awareness Sunday.
Féy Cotter
National Director
ECM NZ’s vision is to see more Kiwis join us in sharing the Gospel in Europe. Our mission is to raise up New Zealanders to Go, Pray and Give to the mission of making Jesus known, and then to disciple believers, in Europe.
Equipping believers to multiply in and through local churches worldwide
Send us an email
027 568 3802
Raj Narayanan
National Director
Anne Bowie
Vice-President (Pacific Regional Leader)
Lewis Bacon
Evangelism Explosion is a global ministry with the mission to glorify God by equipping believers to multiply in and through local churches for friendship, evangelism, discipling and healthy growth.
Bob McCoskrie
Ken Buist
Family First NZ has become a household name, advocating for families, speaking common sense, and providing research on a broad range of family issues in New Zealand. We believe that strong families and strong marriages are the foundation for a strong nation.
Michael Hanson
Executive Director
GC3 supports mission involvement within the network of Christian Brethren Churches in New Zealand and around the world. GC3 values the mandate given to it by our local churches to take an operational lead to encourage and facilitate connecting disciples, churches and agencies in mission, both locally and overseas.
Grant Norsworthy
More Than Music Mentor
More Than Music Mentor provides outstanding resources that improve musicality, increase participation, instill unity and inspire authentic worship – in the musicians and in those they lead.
We provide high-quality online and onsite training for the heart and the art of worshipping SINGERS, INSTRUMENTALISTS and TECHNICIANS.
More Than Music Mentor is suitable for any denomination. All ages, proficiency levels and musical styles, from any congregation size are catered for. Theologically sound, highly practical, seriously fun, interactive instruction
Mike Porteous
Chairman of the Hub of Hope Trust
Equipping people and offering support all around New Zealand
We are very passionate about doing all we can to equip as many people as possible to walk alongside those diagnosed with a life-limiting illness.
The Hub of Hope NZ vision has been created as an active response to the increasing needs of organisations seeking pastoral care for their clients.
We are creating a solution to the recognised missing component defined by the Ministry of Health in providing holistic care for New Zealanders.
Peter Anderson
JHF is a network of innovative, multi-cultural professionals, and an organization that serves the communities of China (including Hong Kong) with hope and love.
Our Associates work in four primary areas of professional expertise: Education, Medical Services, Community Services, Business.
Are you currently working in Hong Kong or Mainland China (or plan to), and wonder if you are the kind of person who would enjoy being a part of the JHF community? Our Associates value flexibility, compassion, lasting change and integrity; they feel called to China and to one another.
Our mission is to equip students and scholars to renew their communities with a faith as intelligent as it is courageous
0800 999 777
Nau mai Haere mai ki tēnei Kāreti. Ko Te Rongopai te tūāpapa.
Laidlaw College is the largest interdenominational theological tertiary institute in Aotearoa New Zealand, offering qualifications from certificate to doctoral level, in the areas of theology and biblical studies, mission, ministry, counselling and teacher education. We provide a dynamic learning environment for students throughout Aotearoa New Zealand and around the world, with two campuses in Auckland, one in Christchurch and great distance learning opportunities too.
Laidlaw College has at its core a deep commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ to which the Bible bears witness and to an encounter with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as we learn together. Our programmes are shaped by rigorous scholarship and research and bridge the gap between faithful reflection on God and a deep engagement with the world.
College life is relational and community oriented and we are committed to seeing our students flourish academically, socially and through encounter with God and others. Our College reflects and celebrates the cultural diversity of Aotearoa New Zealand and its bicultural heritage.
Roshan Allpress
Brad Haami
Pou Amorangi
Mark Keown
Director of Evangelistic Leadership
Rev. Dr Maja
Lecture in Practical Theology
Jenny Mackie
Student Dean
Lisl Baker
Tiana Mikaere
Sharon Pihema
Lorraine Taogaga
Arongo Te Whiu
Rev Dr Clint Ussher
Laidlaw Center for Church Leadership Christchurch
We are inspirational storytellers bringing hope and aroha to children in Aotearoa.
We encourage and support tamariki to make positive life choices, grow their mana and self-worth, and achieve their potential.
What is Christian Values Education?
In 1897 Reverend James Mackenzie of Nelson gained permission from his local school committee to present a non-denominational Bible programme before the official start of the school day.
Throughout the decades we have been referred by several names, the most common of which are still used to day, namely ‘Bible’ or ‘Bible in schools’.
Today, we present our ‘Launchpad Champions’ Christian values programme in more than 400 primary school communities across Aotearoa.
Wellbeing support for schools
09 222 1661
Children and young people deserve the best opportunity possible to engage at every level during their school years, so they can thrive and grow in independence and confidence.
The health and wellbeing of children impacts everyone. When children struggle, the impact ripples outwards and can affect future generations. Lifewalk responds to that need by providing trained chaplains and placing them into state schools in Aotearoa.
Our people are dedicated volunteers, giving their time to provide pastoral care for the whole school community. We have over 250 chaplains volunteering in schools nationwide, from primary through to secondary level.
We see individual lives weaving together, creating a beautiful, rich tapestry. A chaplain is a part of that tapestry.
Jay Matenga
Executive Officer (Director)
Missions Interlink’s membership is a diverse mix of organisations that send or deploy missionaries (churches and agencies respectively), charities that support and advocate for others around the world, groups who engage in mission locally, and individuals that participate in our missions community.
Our understanding of mission is broad. It is at the same time local and global, evangelistic and social, full-time and part-time, to those without the gospel and alongside those living out the gospel in their indigenous contexts. Broadly speaking then, mission is lovingly developing disciples to extend God’s influence in the world.
Learning from God’s creation!
027 281 2814
“I have been involved with NCD for 20+ years; in more than fifty years of ministry I have not encountered a better ‘tool’ for assessing the health of any church. It drills down to the essential qualities of church health.”
Neil Adams
National Partner
Gather | Build | Speak
09 525 0949

Stuart Lange
National Director / Working Board
Gayann Phillips
General Manager / Working Board
Robert Murray
Financial Administrator
Additional Working Board Members
Rachel Afeaki-Taumoepeau
Rick Pierce
Jay Matenga
Won-Kon Bong
Robert Siakiamotu
Malcolm Falloon
We are a network of Christian churches, organisations, and individuals, established in 2002 to help the church in New Zealand be more united and effective, and to present a reasoned, well-researched Christian voice on public issues to media and government.
Our mission is helping Christians work together, build the Church, and positively influence society.
Our board of reference includes national leaders from all the main denominations.
In response to Jesus’ prayer “may they be one that the world will know” (John 17), we long to see greater unity in the Church, and for Christ’s influence to flourish in Aotearoa New Zealand.
We network, develop relationships, identify issues where the Church can be more effective by working together, and help provide leadership for change. We facilitate conversations, run focus groups and forums, hold national congresses, and represent a biblical position in such contexts as inter-faith consultations. We communicate to the church, issue media statements, speak on media, and make submissions to parliamentary select committees.
Preaching the gospel to the unchurched and equipping believers to do the same
0800 467 735
Lew Meyer
Auckland Ministry Coordinator
Robert Siakimotu
Richard Fountain
OAC exists to preach the gospel where people are, and to equip God’s people for evangelism. OAC (Outreach and Church Ministries) is the New Zealand division of Open Air Campaigners. There are branches in more than thirty countries.
We specialise in communication that grabs and holds attention.
Serving the Persecuted Church globally
Send us an email
022 317 6781
Ewan Cameron
Church Relationship Manager
Open Doors was birthed by Brother Andrew over 60 years ago. Our mission: In Christ, we strengthen the most persecuted and we connect the NZ church with their persecuted family to deepen one another’s discipleship journey.
Supporting young people to soar
Send us an email
027 550 6020
Sarah Durham
PACT was formed in 1995 to work in schools with at-risk young people and in the community with their families – specifically in the Papatoetoe area. It was designed as a wraparound service where the initial support with the young person or child created an opportunity to work with the whole family according to their needs.
The work on which PACT has always been anchored is the support provided in the local schools. Depending on the needs of each school and its students PACT has been trusted to work individually with at-risk students, provide small group and whole class mentoring, run sports activities, develop and deliver drug and relationship courses and provide many other support services over our 28-year history.
In our own community building we run Christian Holiday Programmes, after school groups and free boxing.
The DNA of the organisation has always been based on the Christian faith, but our services are available to youth (and their families) of any religion or ethnicity. For many, PACT has long been more than just a local community organisation but a place where whanaungatanga (a family-like connection) is created.
To the heart of what matters
Email Kris Morrison
Email Doris Tu
Email Steven Moe
Christchurch: 03 348 8480
Hokitika: 03 755 8673
Kris Morrison
Board Chair
Doris Tu
Steven Moe
We help solve your legal problems with practical and personal advice.
Join us 8-9pm on Mondays
We post most of the recordings our speakers on our website and on Facebook, so you can join your prayers with ours at a time more convenient for you. That being said, we love our online praying community!
Join from the comfort of home and even on holiday… Wherever you can get connected !
Gayann Phillips
Team leader and Zoom expert
PAONZ is a simple initiative with an intentionally simple purpose: we exist to gather God’s people of Aotearoa, New Zealand to pray. For this reason, our format is also simple – weekly, 1-hour prayer meetings, facilitated using the Zoom conference platform to enable the broadest possible engagement and participation.
Monthly topics:
- Spiritual life
- Regional focus
- Current topic
- Ministry focus
Frank Po Ching
National Director
Promise Keepers [PK] encourages men to come out of isolation, deal with life issues, grow spiritually and find their identity as sons of God. We do this by bringing men together in groups and at events. We also provide tools and resources for individual men. This empowers men to build authentic friendships, enjoy peace and wholeness, and gives them the strength they need for today and hope for tomorrow.
Challenge indifference, create movement
021 0810 4900
Daniel Cho
We create opportunities for people to volunteer to create positive movements such as serving the homeless, afterschool children’s programme, community rubbish clean up, and community festive events.
We also run candle classes to offer job opportunities for the jobless and mental health workshops for youths and adults alike.
Our focus is not on a single topic in our society, but rather on creating platforms across many topics in our society so that more of our people in Aotearoa could be a part of the positive movements.
Christian Media for New Zealand
09 307 1251
Andrew Fraser
Fiona Simpson
Executive Assistant
Andrew Urquhart
Our purpose is to draw New Zealanders into an increasingly meaningful, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, through media.
Stan Yeung
Missional Pastor
We are a global Christian Movement that boldly proclaims the Gospel, empowers the next generation and champions the Asian voice. While we are not exclusively Asian we recognise been given to impact this growing segment of the world. Without question, we would not exist without the willing partnership of local churches, the collaboration of dedicated individuals and the generosity of financial sowers.
Discover Follow Serve
04 385 0485
Hillary Hague
National Director
Andrew Ramsbottom
Children and Families Consultant
We support churches to help children and young people discover Jesus and become life-long disciples who serve the world around them.
Identifying gaps in the outreaching efforts of the Church as a whole, to see innovation come into them
021 261 7719
Delivering pastoral caring and wellbeing support to the sports people of Aotearoa
Send us an email
022 607 5878
Phil Pauley
National Director
SCNZ trains, accredits and places volunteer sports chaplains into teams, clubs and school sport to meet the needs of sports-oriented people where they gather and do life.
Sports Chaplains are a trusted presence on the sidelines and in backrooms of sport where they can be aware of needs and refer people to professional help and support where needed.
With more than 100 volunteer Chaplains now working within 18 sports codes, SCNZ collectively contributes around 15,000 hours toward making pastoral care and wellbeing support readily available to upward of 30,000 athletes, staff and whanau at all levels of sport nationally.
Making disciples everywhere
09 360 5466
Justin O’Malley
National Director
Karl Udy
Digital Strategies Regional Leader
Roger Osbaldiston
Tandem Ministries aims to fulfil the Great Commission through WINning people to Christ, BUILDing them in their faith and SENDing them out to make disciples.
Encouraging Partnership in Global
Theological Education
Send us an email
021 165 0807
Dr Ian Payne
Theologians Without Borders is a partnership maker in global theological education, seeking to promote global integration based on equity and mutuality in collaborative partnerships between churches, institutions and ministries across every global region.
We primarily help match suitably qualified scholars for short teaching visits to Majority World seminaries, whether in-person or by virtual means.
Defend Faith, Navigate Culture, Reach People
0800 2 ENGAGE
Jeff Coleman
Worldview Camp Director
Thinking Matters is the foremost Christian apologetics ministry in New Zealand, focused on running conferences, camps, and seminars that reach the next generation.
Reaching students for Christ, changing students for life
04 384 7274
Ben Carswell
National Director
Kate McClelland
TSCF Leadership Team
Tim Hodge
Head of Training and Development
Josh Irvine
Auckland Team Leader
TSCF’s vision is to help thousands of students become servant leaders of character through the transforming gospel of Christ. Following personal conversion and guided by biblical wisdom, they will integrate faith, study, work and life, and bring cultural renewal to New Zealand’s tertiary institutions.
Empowering Persecuted Christians in hostile & restricted nations
03 352 9568
Name withheld for protection purposes
The main purpose of our missions is based on Hebrews 13:3.
“Remember the prisoners as if chained with them – those who are mistreated – since you yourselves are in the body also.”
We do this by:
Empowering Persecuted Christians in hostile & restricted nations
03 352 9568
Chris Clarke
Jade Hohaia
Māori Strategic Partnerships & Programmes
The Wilberforce Foundation was established to support faith-led organisations who are reaching out to communities and making a difference in the lives of others within New Zealand.
Our desire to seek justice and to overcome poverty for all children, everywhere
09 580 7700
Jono Fletcher
Acting Director of Marketing & Engagement
Philip Sapsford
Church Relationship Manager
Matt Buchan
Church Relationship Manager
World Vision is a global Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice.