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We strive to post articles that are either written by kiwis or are framed to our local and cultural context, and are faithful to biblical Christianity.
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Christianity and DIY doctrine
Dr Stuart Lange shares on Christian faith and DIY doctrine
Some Christian reflections on Gloriavale
Dr Stuart Lange shares a Christian perspective on the TV series Escaping Utopia.
Why Christians Still Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Rev Dr Malcolm Falloon shares on why Christians still believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ
Some marks of a spiritually healthy church
Dr Stuart Lange shares about some marks of a spiritually healthy church
Recalling the appalling events in Christchurch on 15 March 2019
Dr Stuart Lange reflects on the violent attacks on Muslim people in Christchurch on 15 March 2019
Joy despite our struggles: delighting in the Lord’s inheritance
Rev Dr Malcolm Falloon shares about delighting in the Lord’s inheritance – His people.