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#DefendNZ: rallying Kiwis against euthanasia
#DefendNZ launched on March 10 with a website and video trailer introducing Kiwis who could be eligible for assisted suicide under a bill that could be passed in the current parliamentary session.
Stop Transgender Teaching in Schools – a mother’s reason for a petition
“I object to being branded as transphobic, simply for exercising my right to question critically what I as a teacher am being coerced into teaching to impressionable minds.”
Another look at where Euthanasia leads
Looking at Columbia and how Euthanasia laws have developed since it was legalised there and stories from Americans who have personal experience dealing with the ultimate end of life choice.
City by City – Hastings
So God used one church to answer the prayers of another church to the tune of $30,000. God is certainly at work in our city and surely these are all the seeds for a city-wide and even region-wide revival!
“Is the world getting better, worse or staying the same?”
If you think it is getting worse, you’re in good company. The majority of audiences in 30 countries who were asked this question believed that things were indeed getting worse in our world. Among Christians too, many are predisposed to a negative perspective as wars, famines, persecutions and earthquakes have always been stuff of end-time scenarios.
City by City – Northland
Changes are occurring in Northland – Māori led Churches of Northland have been blessed by the Holy Spirit, and have come into a wonderful oneness of fellowship and ministry and there are hopeful signs towards a merging of Maori led Church leaders with the non-Māori Church leaders, in the leadership of the Northland wide Leaders’ Gathering, held every three months since 1986, in Te Punawai-Moerewa Christian Fellowship centre, Moerewa.
Joint Statement by National Church Leaders – Christchurch
We are deeply saddened by these tragic events and we strongly condemn these acts of racial hatred and murder. We feel very deeply for our fellow New Zealand faith community, which was so cruelly attacked as worshippers peacefully gathered for prayer.
WEA Joins New Zealand Evangelical Body in Mourning Attacks on Mosques
The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) joins its national member body the New Zealand Christian Network (NZCN) in strongly condemning the tragic attacks on Muslims in two Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.
NZ Christian Network and the tragic attacks on Muslim people and mosques in Christchurch
The Zealand Christian Network has expressed horror and great sadness about the violent attacks today on Muslim people and mosques in Christchurch.
#DefendNZ: rallying Kiwis against euthanasia
#DefendNZ launched on March 10 with a website and video trailer introducing Kiwis who could be eligible for assisted suicide under a bill that could be passed in the current parliamentary session.
Stop Transgender Teaching in Schools – a mother’s reason for a petition
“I object to being branded as transphobic, simply for exercising my right to question critically what I as a teacher am being coerced into teaching to impressionable minds.”
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