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City by City – Greymouth

City by City – Greymouth

The Churches of Greymouth enjoy the benefit of a number of long-term clergy and pastors who have formed good friendships and relationships with one another combined with newer clergy and pastors who are keen to connect ecumenically. The result is a strong sense of ecumenical unity that plays out in joint activities, responses to issues and good fellowship and prayer at their Minister’s Association meetings.

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Don’t Live The Lie!

Don’t Live The Lie!

Jeff Fountain – “In today’s world, truth is losing”, announced The Washington Post. The Oxford Dictionary chose ‘post-truth’ as the word for the year in 2016. The words of the prophet Isaiah ring ominously true today: Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off; for truth is fallen in the street, and honesty cannot enter. So truth fails, and he who departs from evil (stands for truth) makes himself a prey. – Isaiah 59:14-15 New KJV

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Living Together In Peace

Living Together In Peace

Today the United Nations and the European Union are criticised from all sides by people of all faiths and none. When we ask why and how the UN and the EU came into existence, we discover that many of the key initiators were motivated by biblical values and ideals.

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City by City – Northland

Changes are occurring in Northland – Māori led Churches of Northland have been blessed by the Holy Spirit, and have come into a wonderful oneness of fellowship and ministry and there are hopeful signs towards a merging of Maori led Church leaders with the non-Māori Church leaders, in the leadership of the Northland wide Leaders’ Gathering, held every three months since 1986, in Te Punawai-Moerewa Christian Fellowship centre, Moerewa.

City by City – Greymouth

The Churches of Greymouth enjoy the benefit of a number of long-term clergy and pastors who have formed good friendships and relationships with one another combined with newer clergy and pastors who are keen to connect ecumenically. The result is a strong sense of ecumenical unity that plays out in joint activities, responses to issues and good fellowship and prayer at their Minister’s Association meetings.

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