Recent posts
Rotorua – The Church of Rotorua has gone from strength to strength!
Scott Clifford shares about two new opportunities that presented themselves to the Rotorua Association of Christian Churches, Waka Whakamua and Te Hāhi in this City-by-City update.
His Beautiful Face
Colin Shaw reflects on a story about unity in the body.
“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”
It is no secret that Jesus told his followers to “love another”, that he prayed that believers “all may be one”, and that he indicated such unity would be a great witness to a watching world. So what are some of the obstacles to Christian unity in Aotearoa New Zealand today?
Healthcare and Hospitality
Jeff Fountain gives a brief history and shows how the church led the way in something we take for granted today.
Away with apathy, let’s build community – starting with the family
“Apatheists” have been identified as the most dangerous enemies of believers today. This article touches on the influence they have on society and what we need to do to counter it.
Palmerston North – a hub for the Central North Island
City by City offers a look at some of the historical background and current outlook on the spiritual significance of the central region of the North Island.
Kiwi-voiced audio Bible now playing!
A new audio Bible read and recorded in a Kiwi voice has been released by Bible Society New Zealand in partnership with Rhema. Learn more about this project and how you can get a copy.
Don’t Live The Lie!
Jeff Fountain – “In today’s world, truth is losing”, announced The Washington Post. The Oxford Dictionary chose ‘post-truth’ as the word for the year in 2016. The words of the prophet Isaiah ring ominously true today: Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off; for truth is fallen in the street, and honesty cannot enter. So truth fails, and he who departs from evil (stands for truth) makes himself a prey. – Isaiah 59:14-15 New KJV
Tauranga – OneVoice: City-Wide Prayer and Worship Gathering
Gathering together as one people, becoming one voice before God -The story of how in Tauranga, a year from the invitation first going out, and nine ‘OneVoice’ gatherings later, the church is continuing to meet and lift up their voices to heaven as one.
85,000 kids to get the Bible story of Jesus this Christmas
This Christmas Bible Society New Zealand, through the generosity of its supporters, is giving away 85,000 copies of The Well Good News of Christmas, a fun and colourful booklet for parents and grandparents to help pass on the Bible story of Christmas.
Living Together In Peace
Today the United Nations and the European Union are criticised from all sides by people of all faiths and none. When we ask why and how the UN and the EU came into existence, we discover that many of the key initiators were motivated by biblical values and ideals.
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