Recent posts
How euthanasia affects those who work in veterinary services
The emotional connection between the work of human doctors and animal doctors is closer than you might think. Michael Cook, Editor of BioEdge unpacks the argument, “You wouldn’t let a dog suffer like this…”
Te Hāhi Tairāwhiti Gisborne
Te Hāhi is a partnership between the Police and a group of local Churches in Gisborne city. This partnership came about when it was realised by the Church that Gisborne has the highest rate of family violence in New Zealand and that New Zealand has the highest rate of Family violence on a per capita basis for any OECD nation.
End of Life Choices Bill – Submissions
Watch video of Rev Stuart Lange, Maxim Institute and 7 other presenters as they gave their oral submissions to the Justice Select Committee on the End of Life Choice Bill on 21 May 2018.
Opinion piece: 21 reflections on the Israel Folau controversy
Debate has been raging for several weeks about rugby star Israel Folau’s response to the question, “What is God’s plan was for gay people?”
Since 2006, Pastors from across Dunedin have been meeting together to pray and seek the peace and prosperity of the city.
WEA Mourns the Passing of Rev. Dr. Billy Graham, But Celebrates His Legacy
New York, NY – February 21, 2018 As news of Rev. Dr. Billy Graham’s passing at 99 years of age spread through the world today, the Christian community said goodbye to...
Rotorua – The Church of Rotorua has gone from strength to strength!
Scott Clifford shares about two new opportunities that presented themselves to the Rotorua Association of Christian Churches, Waka Whakamua and Te Hāhi in this City-by-City update.
His Beautiful Face
Colin Shaw reflects on a story about unity in the body.
“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”
It is no secret that Jesus told his followers to “love another”, that he prayed that believers “all may be one”, and that he indicated such unity would be a great witness to a watching world. So what are some of the obstacles to Christian unity in Aotearoa New Zealand today?
Healthcare and Hospitality
Jeff Fountain gives a brief history and shows how the church led the way in something we take for granted today.
Away with apathy, let’s build community – starting with the family
“Apatheists” have been identified as the most dangerous enemies of believers today. This article touches on the influence they have on society and what we need to do to counter it.
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