NZCN|Connect is a topic based discussion forum that provides Christians with the opportunity to make connections with other people and ministries that share similar interests or passions.
The New Zealand Christian Network itself is… a network of Christian ministries and organisations in New Zealand. It is non-denominational and exists to promote unity within the New Zealand body of Christ.
Helping Christians work together, build the church and positively influence society.
It is our hope that this forum will facilitate the Church by providing opportunities for people to engage with one another on kingdom topics and equip one another in the furthering of the Kingdom and the proclamation of the gospel of Christ.
You may only read and participate in the forum while you are logged in. Please do not share your log in details with others. It is important that everyone has their own account and is accountable for comments they post.
NZCN | Connect is a social networking forum… not social media.
You may provide relevant links to video clips and websites for reference…
However, please post images of cute kitties etc. on other social media sites.
All members of the site must uphold the New Zealand Statement of Faith and agree to the terms and conditions set out regarding this site. Please click the button below to read them before you create an account.