WEA Women’s Commission Newsletter – July 2015

WEA Women’s Commission Newsletter – July 2015


Welcome to our first Women’s Commission update in the new format to mark our new name and new ideas.

Amanda Jackson
Amanda Jackson

I am the new Executive Director of the Women’s Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, and it will be a privilege to learn about your initiatives and encourage you in leadership over the coming years.

We are entering a new and exciting phase of the Commission’s work and I look forward to seeing more women taking the lead in issues affecting women and girls in all regions and denominations.

I am grateful to God for the leadership of women in each region – Leela, Nabila, Jenifer, Joanna, Janet and Rachel, and Yoon Hee. And I am also thrilled that we have the help of Angie Francois in the New York office of the WEA.

Today, we would like to share a story from Egypt and hope that it will inspire you. As well, we have news of an upcoming event against violence in the Caribbean – Please Pray, Learn and Take action.

Education and prayerful action can overcome violence


Three hundred young women and girls in Egypt heard about their rights and the love of God at meetings last week organized by the Women’s Commission.

Dr Nabila Nakhla who led the team in the city of Maghagha, two hours from Cairo is sure the Holy Spirit helped the girls to understand for the first time issues of gender inequality and to know their true worth in God.

She says, “This area has a high incidence of sexual violence. At least 10 of the girls said they were being molested by Moslem lads, who had promised marriage. They feel very guilty and fearful – there is a real fear they could be killed if their father or brother finds out.”

Read more about the work in Egypt

Barbados Christians speak up against violence


It’s estimated that 14,000 men and boys are trafficked in the Caribbean region each year – that’s 40 a day. A conference in Barbados for men and boys this week (June 24-27) will raise awareness of this terrible threat. Organised by the Caribbean Anti-Trafficking task force, the meeting will try to overcome misconceptions about trafficking and look for solutions.

Jenifer Johnson, head of the Women’s Commission in the Caribbean, who is hosting the meeting, says, “The Caribbean region has seen a sudden influx of guns and violent crimes across the region, associated with the drug trade and trafficking. We want to offer a better way.”

Marq Taylor from Atlanta, which is a hub for trafficked people in the the USA, will speak of his city’s experiences, at a schools’ event and events for youth and men. Many may think that trafficking affects only women but the meeting aims to draw attention to the danger of trafficking for men and boys.   Read More

With prayers that your ministry and leadership can be strengthened and grown,

Amanda Jackson