We are a family-based fellowship that seeks individually and collectively to build our relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our response is to serve, using the talents and abilities God has given us.
Our mission is to serve God and encourage those working for Him in our neighbourhood, our city, our nation and overseas.
Our vision:
To know Jesus and to make him known
Kia mohīo kī a Ihu, kīa mohīotīa aī īa
Our Values:
Biblical, Community, Contemporary, Family
Paīpera, Haporī, Taīao, Whanau
We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God. We are an evangelical church where the emphasis is on the essentials of the Christian faith.
We are a community of believers and our aim is to build a healthy community that is honouring God, welcoming, and serving the wider community of Bethlehem, Tauranga and beyond.
We aim to be relevant and accessible in today’s world. This is reflected in our programmes and worship.
We are part of God’s family, which includes and encourages everyone to belong. Many of our Church activities aim to bring us together to enjoy an all-age family.
Bethlehem Community Church is a parish of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand (PCANZ).