Christian people, like everyone else, are exposed to a range of cultural traditions and societal pressures about how to celebrate Christmas. Some of those Christmas patterns are compatible with Christian faith, and some head off in other directions.
So how can Christians mark Christmas in a way that honours Christ?
Here are some suggestions:
- Ensure that the message of Jesus is central to Christmas. Think and talk about that message, where you are. Here’s some scriptures to get us going: “For God so loved the world that he sent his Son…” (John 3:16), “God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself” (2 Cor. 5:19), “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14), “I bring you good news of great joy, for to you is born this day a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:14).
- Make it a priority to go to church on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day, if possible. Take others with you.
- Over the next week or so, support all those Christian public outreaches that showcase the Christian meaning of Christmas.
- Have some quality time with family, friends, and others we can invite along. Love, kindness, respect, and hospitality reflect the heart of Jesus (family tensions and upsets work the other way).
- Don’t get too carried away with providing vast amounts of food (excess food is a burden, and not necessary).
- Don’t get carried away with drinking (things can go downhill).
- Santa is not our message. Despite the tenuous link with 4th century traditions about St. Nicholas, Father Christmas and elves and flying reindeer from a factory at the North Pole are all a modern construct, calibrated to assist manufacturers and retailers and encourage a huge annual public spending spree. Consider downplaying or dispensing with Santa.
- Don’t get too carried away with gifts. Don’t make them central, or a financial burden. Adults may want to agree on limits, or agree not to do gifts.
- After Christmas, factor in time for rest and recreation, the enjoyment of God’s creation, spiritual refreshment and thanksgiving, and prayer about God’s directions for us in the new year.