New Zealand Christian Network

NZCN_skyblue_500Many Christians in New Zealand long for the Church be more effective in its efforts to see God’s kingdom come in Aotearoa New Zealand as it is in heaven.

For this to happen there must be vehicles to facilitate collaboration and dialogue to help the Church move towards the complete unity Jesus prayed for, which He also linked to the effectiveness of our witness.

New Zealand Christian Network has an indispensable role to play if we are to see progress in this area.

Over the next 5 years our goal is to take some important and strategic steps on four key issues which underpin many other issues we grapple with in society and in the church:

  • secularisation
  • marriage and relationships
  • value of life and
  • commitment to a core theology of mission

Building on the foundation and relationships developed over our first ten years, we plan over the next five years to build awareness within the Church of the foundational importance of these issues, and to begin to focus action towards addressing them.



A Church … united in truth, empowered by the Spirit, characterised by love, effective in witness and mission.


To see unity in the Church and God’s kingdom come in Aotearoa New Zealand.


Helping Christians work together, build the Church, and positively influence society.
We do this by … developing relationships, identifying critical issues where the Church can be more effective by working together, and providing leadership for change. We seek to promote the unity of the Church and reflect publicly the common views held by the 500,000 biblically orthodox or evangelical Christians in New Zealand.


… Ka mahi tahi, ka ora
From united work comes fulfilment