Support the work of NZCN

Working together to have a greater impact on New Zealand

Learn how you can help the work of NZCN

To grow our ministry further, and to help significantly increase NZCN’s impact, we regularly need your help in the following areas.


Working together for a greater impact on New Zealand

New Zealand society is not in great shape, spiritually or morally. Many churches are also not doing especially well. But, we can all work together to change this.

New Zealand Christian Network was set up in 2002 by a wide range of church leaders to help Christians work together, strengthen and resource the body of Christ, and speak constructively into New Zealand society with biblical grace and truth.

NZCN is a mainly voluntary network (our small team works part-time), is remarkably cost-effective, has a respected and trusted voice, and is steadily growing.

Our free NZCN News, with short articles on issues in church and society, is greatly appreciated by many. We always aim to be biblically faithful, fair-minded, reasoned, and gracious. Our views are sometimes picked up by media, like this.

We also run a weekly national online prayer gathering, Pray as One NZ, help organise regional Prayer Breakfasts, run a New Zealand Christian Leaders’ Congress every few years, and have resources to offer (e.g. the
Te Rongopai documentary).

NZCN does not exist for itself. It exists solely as a servant ministry to New Zealand’s Christians, churches, and society.

A comment from a New Zealand church leader…

“The New Zealand Christian Network provides a very important example for the Church about how to engage with one another on complex issues, and how to speak biblically, clearly, and winsomely in the public sphere. NZCN is incredibly significant for the health of the New Zealand Church and for the Church’s influence on New Zealand society.”

Pray for NZCN

  • that the NZCN may flourish and grow
  • that we may speak faithfully, wisely, and well
  • that we may all have a greater impact for God on New Zealand


Assist us in some part of our work together, or to suggest new initiatives which you would love to be part of.

Send us a message to let us know how to contact you and to let us know what skills you can offer.

I want to volunteer

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Help us increase our NZCN News readership

Help us grow our database by subscribing to our newsletter, forwarding it to others (friends, family members, people in our church), and encouraging them to subscribe. Tell them we have brief, sensible, helpful articles on all sorts of issues affecting church and society – and mention that NZCN News is free. Christians in New Zealand are constantly exposed to secular and social media, and are often very appreciative when they come across the succinct biblically faithful perspectives in NZCN News.