Christianity and Social & Moral Issues
A Christian perspective: Drag Queens, small children, and rough and tumble protests
Dr Stuart Lange shares a Christian perspective on Drag Queens, small children, and rough and tumble protests.
The spirit of Waitangi
Rev Dr Malcolm Falloon shares a message ahead of Waitangi Day
A Matter of Life and Death: The Review of the End of Life Choice Act
Rev Dr Malcolm Falloon shares on ‘A Matter of Life and Death: The Review of the End of Life Choice Act.’
An initial Christian response to the Report of the Royal Commission into abuse in care
An initial Christian response to the Report of the Royal Commission into abuse in care.
Royal Commission of Inquiry Abuse in Care
Alan Vink shares about The Royal Commission of Inquiry Abuse in Care
Gaza situation and how Christians can pray
Dr Stuart Lange shares on what Christians can make of the Gaza situation and suggests what they should pray for