Marriage & Family

“Marriage, the family unit, was the original Department of Health, Education and Welfare.” – Michael Novak
Good fathering
Rev Dr Stuart Lange shares a Father’s Day message.
Honour your parents with a tribute
Wynand and Nikki from FamilyLife NZ speak to Andrew on radio Rhema about giving your parents the gift of a tribute.
A vision worthy of a Webb Ellis Cup
“…we can achieve anything if we work together as one”
Does God favour boys?
Is it true – does God prefer boys? Has he saved up all the gifts of leadership and teaching for just boys? Does he really want women to be seen and treated as less than men, even less than human?
Stop Transgender Teaching in Schools – a mother’s reason for a petition
“I object to being branded as transphobic, simply for exercising my right to question critically what I as a teacher am being coerced into teaching to impressionable minds.”
Away with apathy, let’s build community – starting with the family
“Apatheists” have been identified as the most dangerous enemies of believers today. This article touches on the influence they have on society and what we need to do to counter it.