3 Cheers for the BBC
Posted: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 15:52
The BBC has announced today that it will not “revisit” the issue of non-religious voices on Thought for the Day.
see National Secular Society – BBC once more rejects non-religious voices on Thought for the Day.
The announcement came in an Executive Response to a review conducted by the BBC Trust into the breadth of opinion that is permitted to be heard on the BBC. This included a review of the BBC’s religious output.
It’s simply unbelievable how unreasonable some secularists can be
NZCN director, Glyn Carpenter
“By my reckoning 3 minutes amounts to 0.2% of the day’s airtime – and this for a viewpoint reflecting the belief of significant sized groups of the population of most Western countries.
“That means that predominantly secular or “non-religious” comment, articles, programmes, etc already account pretty much for 99.8% of airtime. And these secularists are not happy with that. They want to either eradicate the last 0.2% or else have their views included within that 0.2%, when they already dominate virtually all of the airtime.
“Doesn’t seem very tolerant to me. Good on the BBC for standing up to this sort of bigotry”.
In fact, perhaps we should start a campaign for half of the programming to be religious comment, including half of the reporters, etc, based on simple population numbers?