About Christianity
Joy despite our struggles: delighting in the Lord’s inheritance
Rev Dr Malcolm Falloon shares about delighting in the Lord’s inheritance – His people.
Politics and the lens of biblical ethics
Dr Stuart Lange shares about politics and the lens of biblical ethics
Challenges for the New Zealand church in 2024!
Dr Stuart Lange shares about the challenges for the New Zealand church in 2024!
An interesting question: is God punishing New Zealand?
Most Christians would hesitate to name specific natural disasters as God’s punishment. Can we be certain we definitely know God’s mind in this?
Proclaiming the good news of Christ, to quite a tough audience
Certainly, the Gospel of Jesus is magnificently good news. How in his great love the one true and living God has come into this broken world, in Jesus his Son. How through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, God offers us forgiveness, reconciliation, and new life...
Biblical faith or contemporary culture?
Biblical faith or contemporary culture? How can Christians respect their context, and speak well into their surrounding culture? How can they remain biblically faithful, rather than surrender to the assumptions and pressures of the culture they live in?