About Christianity
Reflections on royalty
Queen Elizabeth II was remarkable not only for the great length of her reign, but also for her particular mix of qualities such as steadiness, sound judgement, dignity, discretion, humility, caring, a deep commitment to serving, and a genuine, heart-felt Christian faith.
Te Rongopai and Matariki
With the first ever National Matariki Public Holiday just around the corner we want to share a short digital narrative around Matariki and to share a unique Christian perspective on what Matariki is all about.
One way or another, everyone is a believer in something
“Don’t get me wrong, I’ve met thousands of atheists and sceptics, but even the most non-religious people can still have a holy cause, ritual ceremonies, sacred symbols, and even their own heretics” – Justin Brierley
Churches: public scrutiny, or self-scrutiny
Many of us will have noticed a recent spate of media pieces critiquing some of our large churches, with a particular focus on some personal grievances about internships.
Why does the resurrection of Jesus really matter?
Seven reasons the resurrection of Jesus matters…
“Original sin”: the doctrine that allows none of us to feel morally superior to anyone else
There is a lot of push back today against the doctrine of “original sin”. Some question whether the Bible teaches it, others question whether it is fair that someone pay the consequences for someone else’s sin.