Christianity in New Zealand
Three Realities for New Zealand Churches in Alert Level 2 and Beyond
As New Zealand slowly begins to re-open, a question many churches will be asking is, “How do we approach ministry in Level 2 and beyond?” It’s easy to be scared of change. But in reality, the NZ church has already proven that it is more than ready to adapt to changing circumstances.
A New Perspective – Auckland Church Leaders Easter Message
‘Unprecedented’. ‘Social distancing’. ‘Self-isolation’. ‘Community outbreak’. ‘Lockdown.’ These and other words have come to dominate our news feeds and conversations. A few weeks ago, the world was ordinary; now, it is different, unusual, unfamiliar.
MEDIA RELEASE: Christians eager to be responsible about COVID-19
Christians eager to be responsible about COVID-19 21 March 2020 The New Zealand Christian Network, the alliance of evangelical churches, organisations and individuals in Aotearoa New Zealand, commends the New Zealand Government for its leadership in our time of...
New Zealand MPs legalise ‘end of life choice’ of euthanasia, but the public must vote
New Zealand has just taken a leap towards the final solution for people we can’t – or won’t – look after well. A decisive majority of MPs has approved the End of Life Choice Act, which will legalise assisted suicide if it is approved at a public referendum.
Identity politics insults us all
Who am I, really? Who defines me? Is it what I am or who I am that counts? What is ‘identity politics’ and how does it affect how I view myself – and others?
Overwhelming Rejection Of Abortion Bill – Analysis
More than 90% of the submissions on the Abortion Legislation Bill have rejected the proposed decriminalisation of abortion, with just under 8% supporting the Government bill.