Christianity in New Zealand
Te Rongopai and Matariki
With the first ever National Matariki Public Holiday just around the corner we want to share a short digital narrative around Matariki and to share a unique Christian perspective on what Matariki is all about.
God is on the Waka – Whanganui
In Whanganui, Te Puna O Wai Ora Māori fellowship has over the summer been running a flourishing open-air church gathering in a park – with the permission and support of local iwi and marae, the City Council and Police.
War, protest, Christian freedom, and what the church needs to be
As we read this, a democratic nation in Europe is under military attack from its more powerful neighbour. War almost always causes great anguish, suffering, and loss of life. Both adults and children are exposed to tragedy and trauma. Please pray for all those – in so...
MPs push on at speed with worrying Conversion Practices law, rejecting any clarifying amendments
What has happened? While the country has been preoccupied with other matters, including the somewhat chaotic protest outside Parliament, inside Parliament the Government has this week pushed through the second reading and committee stage of the Prohibition Practices...
URGENT PRAYER ALERT: The forthcoming (and crucial) second reading of the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill
We urge New Zealand Christians to be much in prayer about this matter, especially for those courageous few MPs who will speak out and seek to have the Bill amended so it is more fit for purpose, and less dangerous to several important liberties.
Some reflections about Waitangi, Christians, and bi-culturalism
As we commemorate Waitangi 2022, Dr Stuart Lange offers some items for us to reflect on.