Missional Living

How to live out the Christian faith at work, at play, at rest, and even at church, in order to engage others with the gospel message.

What Do We Have To Celebrate At Christmas?

What Do We Have To Celebrate At Christmas?

Who doesn't love the beach on Christmas Day? - Megan Clark ( via Stuff) Just what is the whole Christmas thing about? What are we celebrating? What does it mean in our secular society? For most Kiwis, Christmas is about celebrating family togetherness, time off work...



Ruby Duncan handed out the following notes at a recent workshop she presented, and they looked so useful that we asked if we could share them!

Where is the love?

Where is the love?

What began as a comment on Simon Collins’ Facebook page prompted Glyn to raise some points about how Christians can effectively share their faith on social media.

The Nature of a Christian Voice

The Nature of a Christian Voice

We live in a world that is saturated in information, misinformation, and conflicting voices. Seeing God’s will done ‘here on earth as in heaven’ involves having a Christian voice in public debates and in stories covered in news and other media. But when Christians don’t agree, what then?