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Biblical faith or contemporary culture?

Biblical faith or contemporary culture?

Biblical faith or contemporary culture? How can Christians respect their context, and speak well into their surrounding culture? How can they remain biblically faithful, rather than surrender to the assumptions and pressures of the culture they live in?

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Reflections on royalty

Reflections on royalty

Queen Elizabeth II was remarkable not only for the great length of her reign, but also for her particular mix of qualities such as steadiness, sound judgement, dignity, discretion, humility, caring, a deep commitment to serving, and a genuine, heart-felt Christian faith.

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Questions for all New Zealand churches

Questions for all New Zealand churches

New Zealand Christian Network suggests that the growing public scrutiny of churches raises important broader questions for all New Zealand churches – irrespective of their denomination, size, style, ethnicity or location.

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Being constructively Christian, in a changing culture

Being constructively Christian, in a changing culture

In countries dominated by western culture, there continues to be admiration for compassion, and respect for honesty, integrity, and humility. But there is no doubt that recent cultural trends in western countries no longer give general support to Christian faith and to many other Christian values.

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