
The idea (commonly) that religious viewpoints should be excluded from civil affairs or public education. How do we get a Christian voice heard in the public square
Has NZ history sold Christianity a bit short?
Many readers will be familiar with the name Keith Newman, author of Bible and Treaty – a book we’ve been encouraging people to read in the lead up to 2014 – the year we mark 200 years since Samuel Marsden first preached the gospel in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Christians forced to hide their faith by equality laws, says British senior Liberal Democrat MP
Referring to recent high profile cases involving people being told not to wear religious symbols in the workplace, Sir Alan said that many Christians feel that they have to keep their faith “under wraps”.
God Has a Face
The Answer to an Atheist’s Longing – No matter what your atheist friends or relatives tell you, they’ve got deep spiritual longings. And Jesus is the answer to those longings.
CTPI: Public Square – Issues of the Day
Listen to a panel discussion from the Centre for Theology & Public Issues (CTPI) recorded in August, 2013. The questions discussed were submitted by prospective members of the audience relating to issues of current concern including: surveillancethe living...
Better than prayer in schools
Wow, what a statement. I didn't know what to think when I saw the title of the video clip that one of NZCN's Secularism discussion panel members circulated, but I'm glad I watched it. What Role Can Churches Play in Community Renewal? On 9 August, 2013, The...
Learning from Young Atheists
What Turned Them off Christianity By Eric Metaxas via Listen to the radio broadcast here Have you ever asked a young atheist why he or she doesn’t believe? Well, one researcher did. And the answers may surprise you. It’s something most Christian parents...