
The idea (commonly) that religious viewpoints should be excluded from civil affairs or public education. How do we get a Christian voice heard in the public square

“Is the world getting better, worse or staying the same?”

“Is the world getting better, worse or staying the same?”

If you think it is getting worse, you’re in good company. The majority of audiences in 30 countries who were asked this question believed that things were indeed getting worse in our world. Among Christians too, many are predisposed to a negative perspective as wars, famines, persecutions and earthquakes have always been stuff of end-time scenarios.

Don’t Live The Lie!

Don’t Live The Lie!

Jeff Fountain – “In today’s world, truth is losing”, announced The Washington Post. The Oxford Dictionary chose ‘post-truth’ as the word for the year in 2016. The words of the prophet Isaiah ring ominously true today: Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off; for truth is fallen in the street, and honesty cannot enter. So truth fails, and he who departs from evil (stands for truth) makes himself a prey. – Isaiah 59:14-15 New KJV