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Pew Research on American Evangelicals
Thanks to Pastor Brian Hughes (Calvary Chapels) for sending through the following item. Notwithstanding the limitations of self-definition and even some cultural...
Disability and the Church
24% of people in NZ live with some form of disability. When you consider this number, there is little doubt that in most churches there are people who either have a disability themselves or have a family member with a disability.
We have updated and re-produced this document for today as a resource for helping to build better disciples. Originally published in Daystar Magazine ten years ago.
Attorney-General commends NZ’s Christian Heritage
Hon Christopher Finlayson QC, Attorney-General, shares words that should encourage Christians, in all walks of life, to know and tell our Christian story.
My first trip to Nepal
Martien Kelderman, Pastor at New Plymouth Central Baptist, shares his journey of faith and healing…
Elder abuse rings alarm bells in New Zealand
This article by Marcus Roberts (MercatorNet, 29 April) picks up on an NZ Herald article about the 2014 Report on the Positive Ageing Strategy, and highlights...
Contradictions and Women in the Bible
One of the biggest obstacles to the biblical call to unity is the shallow or superficial reading of scripture. There’s still plenty of scope for disagreement even among specialists who are adept at plumbing the depths of a text in the original languages.
What Happens When We Lose Faith in the Transcendent?
In 2011 I spoke at the national interfaith forum on State and Church. Four years on, these comments seem even more relevant today than they were back...
Talking Jesus research (UK) – first of its kind – relevant to NZ
NZ Christian Network’s sister organisation in UK has just published the results of a research project described as the “first of its kind”. The research was conducted by Barna Group on behalf of the EAUK (Evangelical Alliance UK), the Church of England, and HOPE.
Pentecostals and Christian Unity
It was good to read the following report from the Global Christian Forum about a significant gathering of Latin American Pentecostal leaders to discuss the issue of...
6 Views on Faith and Work
One of the discussion groups hosted by NZ Christian Network is focused on ‘missional living’ – what does it mean to be a witness and follower of Jesus in every area of life. The group includes a number of locally and internationally respected leaders. As we were discussing Kara’s |Note, we realised that many people interested in this topic might find it useful to ‘eavesdrop’ on our conversation.
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