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Myths about Faith and Work
Kara Martin shares with us about how the Christian faith is not a part-time activity. It is to be lived out 24-7-52.
New Women’s Commission leader appointed
Amanda Jackson, newly appointed Women's Commission leader for the World Evangelical Alliance Amanda Jackson has just been appointed as the new leader of the...
How secularism may actually undermine women’s rights
It has often been said that the answer to bad religion is not no religion but good religion. A religion free society, or one where religion is relegated to only the...
Je n’suis pas Charlie – Defending freedom
It has been good to see a number of articles offering some balance to the mass demonstrations that have taken place in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo killings. Â Jeff...
Islamic terrorism and Charlie Hebdo – Is more blasphemy the best response?
Michael Cook (MercatorNet) has written a useful reflection on the latest terrorist attack in France, asking whether the approach advocated by many commentators is the...
By Kerry Kind | Dec 19, 2014 Traditional marriage affirmed by 14 world religions at Vatican conference Rev. Dr. Jim Garlow, pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church in the San...
David Cameron’s 2015 Easter message
Easter seems a long time ago. But many people have spoken about British Prime Minister David Cameron's Easter message. So we decided to re-post it here for your easy...
Ecumenism Without Compromise
The word ‘ecumenism’ evokes suspicion and anger in some quarters. Understandably so, because it has often been synonymous with compromise, and watering down essential truths of the Gospel.
Christian Women Connecting for Global Impact
Hear about key themes that are emerging for Christian women, the very exciting work of the Global Women’s Commission, and stories from around the globe of women in leadership who are truly making a difference.
Indie-Rock And Mission
First, we can work hard as our Christian community to develop in our individual members a coherent and comprehensive worldview that can reason from the Bible and Theology to action on issues of the day. The starting point of the New Testament on that path is the creation of character, the inculcation of Christian virtues. We are firstly schooled in who to be before we are schooled in what to do. The virtues are themselves guides to action such that being confident in the kind of person I ought to be, I act so as to be that person.
Eulogy for Rev. Clementa Pinckney by Barack Obama
This eulogy delivered by Barack Obama at the funeral for Rev. Clementa Pinckney, one of the victims of the shootings at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, is the best example of a Christian message I have ever heard delivered by any political leader – ever!
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