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Mayor responds to Prayer breakfast criticism
Good on Redland (Queensland, Australia) Mayor for responding so graciously and wisely to a letter to the editor attacking her role in a Prayer breakfast. ... my...
Election2014 – a guide for Christian voters
If you're unsure who to vote for this election, you may like to download the following list, draw up columns for the parties you are considering, and see which one gets...
Politics is Broken
While preparing for some election events I'm involved with I was looking over an article that I'd written for Daystar magazine back before the 2008 election when Labour...
Saints and the Secular Republic
By JOSEPH LOCONTE, PH.D. Joseph Loconte, Ph.D., is an associate professor of history at the King’s College in New York City and...
Scientists discover that atheists might not exist, and that’s not a joke
Here's an interesting post written by Nury Vittachi and found on the Science 2.0 website. Nury writes from a multi-faith perspective… He lives and works in China, and...
Advertising Standards Authority upholds Alliance complaint about offensive advert
Despite some assumptions that society would become ever more secular, it is now clear that this is not happening and that faith will play an increasingly important role...
Disability and the Church
24% of people in NZ live with some form of disability. When you consider this number, there is little doubt that in most churches there are people who either have a disability themselves or have a family member with a disability.
We have updated and re-produced this document for today as a resource for helping to build better disciples. Originally published in Daystar Magazine ten years ago.
Attorney-General commends NZ’s Christian Heritage
Hon Christopher Finlayson QC, Attorney-General, shares words that should encourage Christians, in all walks of life, to know and tell our Christian story.
My first trip to Nepal
Martien Kelderman, Pastor at New Plymouth Central Baptist, shares his journey of faith and healing…
Elder abuse rings alarm bells in New Zealand
This article by Marcus Roberts (MercatorNet, 29 April) picks up on an NZ Herald article about the 2014 Report on the Positive Ageing Strategy, and highlights...
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