Recent posts
Is Bible in Schools legal?
Parents and board trustees need to be aware that the Bible in Schools program does not breach anyone’s human rights and is entirely consistent with an inclusive secular education system. Furthermore, it provides an important context for teaching values that are needed in our society.
10 Things You Should Be Thankful For
Residents displaced by Typhoon Haiyan still manage to come together to worship the Lord—even in 16 inches of standing water.
Condom cards for 13-year olds? Come on New Zealand reported last week that children as young as 13 are being issued with 12-trip passes to safer sex, in an effort to drive down abortions and teenage pregnancies.
Research possibly useful but ‘secular’ language misleading
MEDIA RELEASE New Zealand Christian Network national director Glyn Carpenter is interested in the study on religious values of Kiwis being undertaken by Professor...
NZ Marriage Week site launched
MEDIA RELEASE NZ Christian Network is pleased to announce the launch of the NZ Marriage Week website. In announcing the launch, NZCN National Director Glyn Carpenter...
30 Simple Ways To Be Missional In Your Workplace
Giving you opportunity to intentionally live out your faith in the workplace may just be the reason God put you there in the first place. Here are some ideas you might like to try.
Christians, the Death Penalty and Restorative Justice
Kim Workman (Rethinking Crime and Punishment) blogged recently about Christians and the death penalty. This is a controversial issue, although maybe less so now than in...
Creationism vs Evolution – a way through the controversy
Every so often the issue of creation and evolution rears its head. Christians hold very strong views on the issue, and it is often hard to navigate through the...
Studies confirm religion increases longevity, and marriage does too
A married man with heart disease can be expected to live, on average, 1,400 days (nearly four years) longer than an unmarried man with a healthy heart Some may dismiss...
Mayor responds to Prayer breakfast criticism
Good on Redland (Queensland, Australia) Mayor for responding so graciously and wisely to a letter to the editor attacking her role in a Prayer breakfast. ... my...
Election2014 – a guide for Christian voters
If you're unsure who to vote for this election, you may like to download the following list, draw up columns for the parties you are considering, and see which one gets...
Strengthening the church of Aotearoa
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