Many of us will have noticed a recent spate of media pieces critiquing some of our large churches, with a particular focus on some personal grievances about internships.
About Christianity
Why does the resurrection of Jesus really matter?
Seven reasons the resurrection of Jesus matters…
“Original sin”: the doctrine that allows none of us to feel morally superior to anyone else
There is a lot of push back today against the doctrine of “original sin”. Some question whether the Bible teaches it, others question whether it is fair that someone pay the consequences for someone else’s sin.
Should we believe that Christianity is true, or good, or both?
Recently, I have seen making the rounds a finding from the Barna Group (an evangelical research organization focused on the intersection of faith and culture). Barna’s finding comes out of a huge study they did about how the next generation views the church and...
Who invented freedom of religion? Secularists or Christians?
It’s often been claimed that it was the intolerance of Christians, from the apostle Paul to the Renaissance Popes, that led to the Enlightenment’s secular cry for “freedom of religion”. But is that actually true?
A Maori Ethic for Earthkeeping
This podcast is a conversation with Jay Matenga offering some thought-provoking insights about how me might live differently with our ecologies.