Media Release: The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) deeply grieves the recent acts of aggression and violence between the United States of America and the Islamic Republic of Iran, in Iraq.
Christianity and Social & Moral Issues
New Zealand MPs legalise ‘end of life choice’ of euthanasia, but the public must vote
New Zealand has just taken a leap towards the final solution for people we can’t – or won’t – look after well. A decisive majority of MPs has approved the End of Life Choice Act, which will legalise assisted suicide if it is approved at a public referendum.
Overwhelming Rejection Of Abortion Bill – Analysis
More than 90% of the submissions on the Abortion Legislation Bill have rejected the proposed decriminalisation of abortion, with just under 8% supporting the Government bill.
Globally, opposition to euthanasia dwarfs end-of-life movements
Jurisdictions which permit assisted suicide or euthanasia suck all the oxygen out of media coverage of this topic. To put the issue in perspective, assisted suicide or euthanasia is only legal in Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland and a handful of American states. Nearly everywhere else, doctors have repudiated it.
A guide to making submissions on the Abortion Legislation Bill
Looking for information to help you make a submission on this Bill? Here’s a good place to start. We have included links to recommended resources and walk you through the process of making your submission.
NZCN is OPPOSED to the “Abortion Legislation Bill”
Dr Stuart Lange wrote the following submission to the Abortion Legislation Committee in opposition to the “Abortion Legislation Bill” on behalf of New Zealand Christian Network.