Often one of the most contentious questions raised in the abortion debate. Dr Stuart Lange lists some of the scientific, moral and legal issues pertaining to answering that question.
Christianity and Social & Moral Issues
Some Christian starting points about abortion
There is no mention of abortion in the Bible, but there are many biblical passages and principles in the Bible that we should take into account.
Removing rage from our public debates
Rage against the machine. Stick it to the man. If you’re not for us, you’re against us. They’re familiar sayings, and sometimes comforting ones, especially when our nation is in the thick of debate about issues that really fire people up—euthanasia, cannabis, and most recently, abortion.
Concerns about the proposed liberalisation of New Zealand’s abortion legislation
A letter sent to all New Zealand MPs expressing concerns about the proposed liberalisation of New Zealand’s abortion legislation.
Abortion is potentially the most divisive and heated moral, legal and political issue of all. Why? Because it really is a matter of life and death.
Suggestions for a Church Response to Populism and White Nationalism
Wissam al-Saliby of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary has posted this article in response to the attack on Muslims in prayer in Christchurch March 2019.