Dr Stuart Lange shares about the challenges for the New Zealand church in 2024!
Christianity in New Zealand
Inspiring Christian voices at Waitangi
Dr Stuart Lange shares information on SHINE’s Waitangi Day Dawn Service.
The principles of the Treaty of Waitangi: a Christian perspective
Dr Stuart Lange writes about a Christian perspective on the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi
Prayer suggestions for the holiday season
Dr Stuart Lange recommends you pray for these 11 key items over the holiday season.
Some challenging data about Christianity in New Zealand
We highlight some of the data shared with the recent New Zealand Christian Leaders’ Congress by Associate Professor Geoff Troughton of Victoria University.
How should Christians vote?
It is not for us to say who or what anyone should vote for. That is 100% each voter’s own call. We can say, though, that it is really important to vote, and that in a democracy voting is both our right and our responsibility.