A letter urging Christian leaders to demonstrate a united voice on the abortion issue and against the proposed Abortion Legislation Bill
Value of Life

“So God created humans in his own image” Genesis 1:27… The true foundation for all human rights, social justice, and pro-life causes.
Kids benefit from seeing euthanasia close up, says Canadian doctor
So says a Canadian doctor who suggests that young children will benefit from becoming involved. NZCN is not endorsing this article, but are running it to illustrate the attempts to normalise euthanasia.
Jacqui’s story – “I was conceived in rape. I value life.”
“But what about women who have been raped?” Jacqui’s story addresses that question and she wanted to make an oral submission to the select committee regarding the proposed changes to abortion law but was declined. Watch her deeply personal and moving story that the Select Committee refused to hear or engage in discussion.
New Zealand MPs legalise ‘end of life choice’ of euthanasia, but the public must vote
New Zealand has just taken a leap towards the final solution for people we can’t – or won’t – look after well. A decisive majority of MPs has approved the End of Life Choice Act, which will legalise assisted suicide if it is approved at a public referendum.
Failure isn’t Final: Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
You may have never had anyone you know be in a suicidal situation. But if you were even just once faced with this difficult situation – would you not want the confidence to know what steps to take to help?
Overwhelming Rejection Of Abortion Bill – Analysis
More than 90% of the submissions on the Abortion Legislation Bill have rejected the proposed decriminalisation of abortion, with just under 8% supporting the Government bill.