As WEA member alliances seek to strengthen religious freedom in their respective countries, U.N. mechanisms and bodies are proving to be an important medium to amplify their respective voices, and their impact. This is an overview of some of their appeals and activities at the Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva in recent months.
Value of Life

“So God created humans in his own image” Genesis 1:27… The true foundation for all human rights, social justice, and pro-life causes.
Leader of Bombed Evangelical Church in Sri Lanka Offers Forgiveness to Attackers
In a press release earlier today, the Evangelical Alliance of the United Kingdom (EAUK) highlighted a brief video interview with the pastor of Zion Church, which was one of the targets of the Easter Sunday bombings.
Does God favour boys?
Is it true – does God prefer boys? Has he saved up all the gifts of leadership and teaching for just boys? Does he really want women to be seen and treated as less than men, even less than human?
New Zealand goes to prayer
Nothing calls for prayer as much as sudden disaster and death. So it happened today, exactly a week to the hour after the terror shootings of Muslims at prayer in Christchurch last Friday, that New Zealanders were called to prayer to reflect on this horrific event and on all that has happened since.
Joint Statement by Auckland Church Leaders – Christchurch
As Auckland church leaders we condemn this evil attack and are shocked and horrified that such an atrocity should take place in our nation. We are equally horrified that it should be perpetrated in a place of prayer and worship, when freedom to worship is cherished in New Zealand.
Joint Statement by National Church Leaders – Christchurch
We are deeply saddened by these tragic events and we strongly condemn these acts of racial hatred and murder. We feel very deeply for our fellow New Zealand faith community, which was so cruelly attacked as worshippers peacefully gathered for prayer.