Author Tony Reinke states, “Never offline, always in reach, we now wield in our hands a magic wand of technological power we have only begun to grasp. But it raises new enigmas…
Value of Life

“So God created humans in his own image” Genesis 1:27… The true foundation for all human rights, social justice, and pro-life causes.
Voluntary euthanasia bill to be debated. Again…
ACT MP David Seymour’s private members’ bill was recently drawn from the ballot, starting the latest round of the euthanasia debate. This article provides an overview of how euthanasia has ‘progressed’ and addresses the real problem.
When doctors say “No”
As abortion, euthanasia and other controversial procedures become more widespread, conscientious objection for healthcare workers is becoming a flashpoint for controversy throughout the Western world.
WEA Peace, Reconciliation and Social Justice Conference in Chisinau Seeks to Launch Regional Network
“To bring peace and restoration we need to equip local and national players with new capacities, so that they are able to engage with their community in unrest.”
WEA Media Release New York, NY - 3 May 2017 How Will Your Church Participate in #WorldRefugeeSunday on June 18 & 25? Over 65 million people have been forced to flee their homes in what has become the biggest refugee crisis that the world has ever known....
An empty chair, a missing Premier – a poignant metaphor
British Actress, Comedian, broadcaster, Liz Carr, known internationally for her work opposing assisted suicide as a disability campaigner as well as her role in the BBC forensics drama, Silent Witness, has been in Melbourne, Australia for the last few weeks with her show: Assisted Suicide: The Musical.