Auckland Christian Singles

Auckland Christian Singles

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Auckland Christian Singles exists to fill the much-overlooked gap in life and our church life of “how do 30+ singles and single again people in our churches connect with others who find themselves in the same place in life?”

Sadly, most such people find themselves in a minority and often their local church has little to offer them. Being able to access people in many churches adds so much to an individual’s life! Whether single or Independent-single parents raising a family alone, these people have needs so many don’t comprehend. For them just having peers to relate to in similar situations brings immense comfort and adds new dimensions and possibilities…let alone meeting others and moving forward in life.

Auckland Christian Singles started in May 2015 by Australian Michael Lee Jr, a young married pastor as he started a church here, who’d immigrated to nz via theological studies in New York where he’d met his Chinese wife. Ian McInnes, a former pastor, counsellor and therapist worked with Michael and has run the group since mid 2015. There are over 300 people registered on the Meetup site. There’s been over 100 events during the past 3 1/2 years ranging from coffee outings, bring a plate shared dinners at members homes, restaurant dinners, cycling adventures, group relationship seminars with experts such as Steven Dromgool, hikes and the like. We are always mindful of costs for our members and always minimise such.

Being a match, hatch and despatch unit is not our primary intention, however three of our members married in 2018.

To take a peek or join just go to the Facebook page, click on the Meetup link, post a visible picture and mention where you attend church…or at worse, last did. People who don’t meet those 2 simple pre-requisites will be removed after being asked to fulfill them. NZ isn’t a large country, but over a decade there can be as many as 75,000 marriage failures and with something like 70% of the population living north of a line drawn from between Hamilton and Tauranga, let alone the challenges of the internet and this “tinderised” world where people are seen as a smorgasbord to be plundered rather than friends to be treated regally, the need for such a group is imperative.

People on the site, which is an open site, are free to make the most of the events or contact members. We look forward to seeing you soon 

Auckland Christian Singles

New Zealand Christian Network is not the organisers or coordinators of this group. However, we do recognise that this group tries to fill a valid need within the body of Christ. We also confirm that, at the time of this post, this is a legitimate group with trustworthy oversight. Please contact them directly, via their Facebook page or Meetup listing.