Tegucigalpa, Honduras / New York, NY – February 19, 2015
The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) inaugurated its new Secretary General Bishop Efraim Tendero at its International Leadership Forum (ILF) in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Evangelical leaders from over 40 different countries from every region prayed for Tendero and welcomed him as the new leader of the WEA, representing 600 million evangelicals worldwide.
WEA’s new Secretary General Bishop Efraim Tendero from the Philippines
The ILF, held from February 9-13, is WEA’s annual forum that brought together more than 70 leaders from the International Council, the Executive Team, representatives from the various Commissions, Initiatives and Task Forces, Regional and National Evangelical Alliance leaders and Global Partners. It was the first time that an ILF was hosted in Latin America, made possible by the gracious support of the Confraternidad Evangélica de Honduras and the Alianza Evangélica Latina.
New Zealand Christian Network’s national director was present for the ILF and inauguration of the new Secretary General.
Amanda Jackson, newly appointed Women’s Commission leader for the World Evangelical Alliance
Amanda Jackson has just been appointed as the new leader of the Women’s Commission for the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). NZ Christian Network (NZCN) is the New Zealand member of the WEA.
NZCN’s national director Glyn Carpenter got to spend a lot of time with Amanda at the recent WEA ILF (International Leadership Forum).
“I had met her once before in Auckland and knew a lot about her by reputation when she headed up Micah Challenge for Australia”.
“Micah Challenge Australia was regarded as something of a benchmark for Micah Challenge groups around the world.
“She clearly has got great leadership ability, so we’re delighted she’s taking on this role” said Carpenter.
NZ Christian Network has three women on its board, who have started talking to key women leaders about setting up a Women’s Commission or network in New Zealand and the South Pacific.
International Council Appoints Bishop Efraim Tendero as Next Secretary General / CEO of the WEA
New York, NY – January 23, 2015
The International Council (IC) of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) is pleased to announce that it has, by unanimous vote, appointed Bishop Efraim Tendero as the next Secretary General and CEO of the WEA. Bishop Tendero who currently serves as the National Director of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches.
Bishop Efraim (Ef) Tendero
“We acknowledged from the onset and throughout the search process that we needed God’s wisdom and the Spirit’s guidance in making this significant and strategic appointment. We are not only pleased, but confident that Efraim is the right person to take WEA into the future which promises to be great,” said Rev. Ndaba Mazabane, Chairman of the IC and Acting Secretary-General/CEO of the WEA. “His understanding of our global vision and his experience as a national Alliance leader will certainly help him connect with our constituency for greater global impact.”
Bishop Tendero succeeds Dr. Geoff Tunnicliffe who announced early last year that he would not be seeking a third term after leading the WEA for the past ten years.
Upon his appointment, Bishop Tendero said: “I am humbled by the trust that is given to me to be the leader of Evangelicals around the world. This is an enormous task and I put my whole trust and confidence in the Almighty God who called me into this ministry, believing that He will provide the wisdom, favor, and grace needed in carrying out this solemn responsibility.”
Bishop Tendero will begin his five year tenure on March 1, 2015.
“I urge you all to uphold him and his family in your prayers and support him in every possible way as he makes this leadership transition and prepares for the task ahead,” concluded Rev. Mazabane.
About Bishop Tendero:
Bishop Efraim Tendero, widely known as Bishop Ef, has served as National Director of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC) for more than 20 years. PCEC is WEA’s national Alliance member that represents some 30,000 evangelical churches in the Philippines. He is also President of the Philippine Relief and Development Services (PHILRADS), the relief and development arm of PCEC that works hand in hand with local churches in holistic ministries to serve the poor and needy.
Bishop Tendero also serves as International Facilitator for South East Asia of the Asia Evangelical Alliance and is the chair of the board Back to the Bible Broadcast, Evangelism Explosion (EE) 3 Philippines, Global Filipino Movement, and the Philippine Missions Association. He is also the Executive Editor of Evangelicals Today, the longest running Christian magazine in the Philippines.
Bishop Tendero has a BA in Theology from Febias College of Bible and a Master of Divinity with focus on pastoral counselling from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He received two honorary Doctor of Divinity degrees from Asian Theological Seminary and Febias College of Bible, and a Doctor of Leadership degree from International Graduate School of Leadership. Bishop Tendero and his wife Sierry have four children and two grandchildren.
Despite some assumptions that society would become ever more secular, it is now clear that this is not happening and that faith will play an increasingly important role in British society.
Press Statement 6 August 2014
The Evangelical Alliance’s complaint about an offensive advertisement by the gambling organisation Sporting Index, which was published by City AM newspaper, has been upheld by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
The ruling published today on the ASA website found that the 10 June advertisement, in which the Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil was digitally altered, breached three sections of their code. The image of the statue was graphically altered and shown to be holding a bottle of booze in the right hand with the left arm around a bikini-clad model over the caption: “There’s a more exciting side to Brazil”.
Following the ASA ruling, Dr Dave Landrum, director of advocacy of the Alliance, said:
“We are grateful that the Advertising Standards Authority has upheld the Alliance’s view on behalf of Christians everywhere.
“This advertisement was in poor taste and clearly likely to cause offence. Even so, the expressions of incredulity from City AM and Sporting Index at the complaints illustrate a patent failure to grasp why such mockery and disfigurement of the person of Christ should be deemed offensive at all.
“Such religious illiteracy and lack of respect for faith communities in the UK is concerning.
“Despite some assumptions that society would become ever more secular, it is now clear that this is not happening and that faith will play an increasingly important role in British society.
“We hope the ASA decision will encourage businesses to think twice before seeking to exploit religious images and sentiments for financial gain.”
Last week I got back from the WEA ILF (World Evangelical Alliance International Leadership Forum) in Manila. This is the annual meeting for the people representing the 7 WEA regions, the 20 Commissions, Initiatives, and Task Forces, and the WEA Executive.
Glyn Carpenter from NZ/South Pacific meeting with fellow Secretaries General of Africa and Europe
I am invited as a representative from the South Pacific region, which is a great privilege not only because I get to discuss issues with representatives from Europe, Africa, and the other regions, but because I also get the opportunity to spend quality time with the people who head up WEA’s work in areas such as theology, religious liberty, and human trafficking, and in some cases who represent evangelical Christians in forums at the United Nations.
There was a little more pressure than usual on this year’s agenda because the 6-yearly General Assembly is taking place in Korea in October next year, and as you would expect, there was plenty to discuss and finalise about programme, content, structure, invitations, registration details, potential visa issues, political sensitivities, and so on.
More than 6,000 evangelical Christians from the 7 regions and 129 countries that make up the WEA are expected to gather, to worship, be resourced, and strategise about effective mission in a wide range of topics.
Amazing to arrive in a hotel where there is not only a Bible in the room but also a devotion book plus a prayer request sheet from hotel management.
Although like most people attending, I didn’t get to see much more than the insides of the airport and hotel and the road that connects them, we did get something of the local context when the PCEC (Philippines Council of Evangelical Christians) joined us one evening for dinner and to share about their work in the Philippines.
Bishop Efraim Tendero has been chairing the PCEC for over 20 years and shared on the recent Disaster Management conference held in Manila which will feature also at the GA 2014. The Philippines, with a landmass similar to NZ, but a population of 104 million compared to our 4 million, is known by many as the disaster capital of the world. Around 20 typhoons hit the country each year, in addition to earthquakes (such as the 7.2 magnitude quake in Bohol that killed 215 people just 4 days before I arrived). and other types of disaster.
Other useful discussions with people like Christine MacMillan (human trafficking), Joel Edwards (Micah Challenge), Brian O’Connell (Refugee Highway), Chris Elisara (Creation Care), Bertil Ekstrom (Missions Commission), Godfrey Yogarajah (Religious Liberty Commission), Mats Tunehag (Business as Mission), Eileen Stewart-Rhude (Women’s Commission), Rosalee Velloso Ewell (theology), and Sas Conradie (Generosity Network), as well as country/region focused meetings with the WEA Executive, will be filtered through to specific groups over coming weeks.
One small resource you might be interested in is the PCEC’s use of Bill Bright’s 7 pillars of society (see below). This is their prayer. Let’s make it our prayer too.
7 Spheres of the Philippine Society Let us pray that these spheres of our society will come to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and serve Him in accordance to His perfect will. (2 Peter 3:9) 1. Arts & Sciences – Let us pray that this pillar of our society will display the glory and majesty of our Creator. (Ecclesiastes 2:4) 2. Business – Let us pray that the business people will remember God, who gives them the ability to produce wealth. (Deut. 8:18) 3. Church – Pray that the Church will be faithful to obey her mandate for the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:19-20) 4. Daily News/Media – Let us pray that our media people will be honest and truthful in their reports and advocacies. 5. Education – Pray that this pillar of society will be passionate in carrying out the mandate of training and educating the children and our youth for the transformation of our nation. (Prov.22:6) 6. Family – Let us pray that that the blueprint of families as God had mandated be restored. (Ps. 68:5-6; 2 Tim. 3:1-4) 7. Government – Pray that the Executive, Judiciary, Legislative, Military, Regional, Local and Barangay units will recognize the lordship of Jesus Christ. (Proverbs 29:2)
Roma Downey and Mark Burnett, co-creators of “The Bible” Series, watched by over 100 million people worldwide, will be honoured at the 8th annual Entrepreneurial Leaders Conference to be held in Vancouver, BC, Canada from November 14th to 15th.
Mark Burnett, creator of Survivor and named by Time Magazine in 2004 as one of the “100 Most Influential People in the World,” and his wife, Roma Downey (best known for her starring role in “Touched by an Angel”) will be joint recipients of this year’s WEA-ELO Entrepreneurial Leader Award at the Entrepreneurial Leaders Conference.Dr. Geoff Tunnicliffe, Secretary-General of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), described Mark Burnett and Roma Downey as very worthy joint recipients of the award. He cited their work with charities, and their initiation of the production of The Bible documentary for The History Channel.
Richard Goossen, Chairman, Entrepreneurial Leaders Organization, explained that this year’s honourees reflected the intent of the award which is to recognize the application of entrepreneurial creativity and talent, not just for commercial success, but for positive social impact.
As recipients of the Entrepreneurial Leader Award, Mark Burnett and Roma Downey will provide the keynote address at the Entrepreneurial Leaders Conference.
This year’s Entrepreneurial Leaders Conference will also feature a world-class faculty of daytime speakers, from top practitioners to global thought leaders. The event has broad business support, including the Platinum Sponsor, which is the “Trump International Hotel & Tower” in Vancouver, to be completed in 2014.
Each year attendees arrive from all continents for this unique celebration of faith-inspired entrepreneurial spirit. For registration and further information go to www.eleaders.org.
The WEA and ELO collaborate on a joint initiative to connect Christian entrepreneurs and marketplace leaders around the globe for greater impact in the business community and beyond.