Support one another to serve the Body of Christ
Leaders, sign up on behalf of your congregation

Christians speaking effectively into society
New Zealand society is in a period of significant change, much of it away from Christian faith and values. Christian voices in society are either ignored or scorned. Those Christians who speak or act unwisely are often given publicity, which discredits the church as a whole.
We need Christian voices which are positive, sensible, reasoned, well-informed, and clear. NZCN is uniquely positioned in that. We could do so much more if we had an increased membership, were more widely known, and were much better-resourced.
You agree? Then you can help by signing up as a member.

As a member of the New Zealand Christian Network you'll be part of something bigger. It’s a privilege to serve the NZ church by helping to bring thousands of individuals, churches, and organisations together.
Dr Stuart Lange
National Director
What is a bequest?
A charitable bequest is a gift specified in your will and gives you the opportunity to acknowledge the ongoing important and vital work of New Zealand Christian Network (NZCN). Whatever form your gift takes (property, an insurance policy, cash or other assets from your estate), the end result is the same – strengthening the church of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Options might include:
- Providing a percentage of your estate to NZCN
- Providing a Residual Bequest, gifting the amount left over from your estate once you have provided for loved ones
- Leaving a fixed amount of money
- Leaving specified items or property
- Gifting a life insurance policy

Why are bequests so important to charities?
Bequests are important for many of the charities in New Zealand. Once loved ones have been looked after, bequests left in wills are an option for many people to support a cause they care deeply about. Even just a small gift in your will could help continue to strengthen the church of Aotearoa New Zealand.
How do I make a Bequest?
It is vital to document any bequests and legacies you wish to make through your will. A bequest to New Zealand Christian Network (NZCN) can be made through writing a will, or making an amendment to your existing will.
If you already have a will but would like to include a gift to NZCN, you can ask your solicitor or Trust Company to make a simple addition; this is called a Codicil.

We recommend discussing your wishes with your family or Trustees so that they are aware that you would like to make a gift to NZCN. If you would like to advise NZCN of your next of kin, we will ensure that we contact them following the receipt of your bequest and update them as to how your gift has been used.
Join us and…
Be one of the thousands of individuals, churches, and organisations who are helping to unify Christianity in New Zealand as members of the New Zealand Christian Network.
Together we will share resources, insights, ideas, and wisdom — strengthening Churches and helping Christians think and live well.
Help the Church speak more effectively into New Zealand society, media, and government — standing for Christian values and freedom of religious belief and expression.
Gain access to additional resources and discounts on purchases. For instance, members are able to watch Te Rongopai for free on our website.
Be part of online discussions within NZCN and comment on articles.
Steve Maina
Bishop, Anglican Diocese of Nelson
“I have huge admiration for the way NZCN provides a united Christian voice in Aotearoa, and find the Pray As One initiative deeply refreshing.”
leaders - admins & secretaries
Does membership of NZCN imply any voting rights for members?
No. Under its constitution NZCN is governed by the Working Board.
Does membership of NZCN imply any authority by NZCN over your church or organisation?
No, not in any way. The relationship between NZCN and member churches and organisations is one of free association between independent entities.
Does membership of NZCN undermine denominational links?
No, membership of NZCN is in addition to a church’s primary affiliations. NZCN will always respect denominations’ own authority, ethos, and processes.
Does membership of NZCN imply an individual, a church or an organisation fully endorses everything NZCN (or even WEA) ever says or does, or that members necessarily agree with everything other members say or do?
No. Members are free to have their own views on all sorts of things, and to discuss these if they wish.
Can anyone apply for church or organisation membership?
Only leaders with authority to apply and to indicate assent with the Statement of Faith can apply for membership on behalf of the church or organisation.
Why does NZCN have a statement of faith, and require members to indicate assent to it?
NZCN is a Christian network, and like many other Christian organisations with an evangelical heart it requires it leaders and members to assent to an orthodox biblical statement of faith. Such a statement is intended as a shared basis of Christian unity and common purpose, and appropriately respects and protects our core kaupapa (purpose). The statement of faith only deals with primary matters of faith, not secondary issues.
How can I help NZCN grow/flourish?
- Spread the word… Tell you friends, family and church about us
- Follow us on our social media platforms and share the content with your friends and connections
- Pray for us as we carry out our role representing the church in the media and public square.
- Join us on Pray As One NZ, our weekly, national Zoom meeting where we pray for the spiritual wellbeing of Aotearoa
- Join a focus group
- Volunteer your skills. Contact us to discuss
How can I financially support NZCN?
We are a registered charity in New Zealand and can provide receipts for tax purposes on all donations above $5. Perhaps you could consider:
- giving a donation
- committing to making a regular donation
- leaving a bequeath in your will