At St Peters in the City, Tauranga, we seek to be a people so inspired by our relationship with God that we are compelled to share it joyfully with others.
As Christ’s disciples we will continue to proclaim our faith to all people through words, deeds and signs.
As Church members we seek to be a people of worship, bible study and prayer, and look forward to ongoing spiritual growth; we seek to be a visible expression of the Kingdom of God in Tauranga.
As servants of the Lord we seek to be a strong Christian influence in the world, seeking to transform society and care for the lost and disadvantaged in our community.
We will be open to the Holy Spirit’s leading, and seek the unity of the Spirit across all ages and all groupings in the Christian church. To do this, we are prepared to accept change. We welcome anyone who shares this vision to join us.
St Peters has a dynamic spiritual life and strong commitment to mission in our local community and beyond. We are an all-age church with excellent ministries to children, young people and adults. We offer a variety of worship experiences on Sunday and during the week, and we warmly welcome newcomers and visitors. Our heritage is evangelical Presbyterian and we are committed to a strong biblical faith with a passion “To know Jesus Christ and to help others find and follow Him”.
While holding to our vision we recognise our need to offer culturally relevant expressions of the gospel in a rapidly changing world.
We also seek to serve our city in a way that brings glory to God.