Has God Given Up on Humanity?

by | 3 Mar 2016 | 0 comments

Has God Given Up on Humanity?

by | 3 Mar 2016 | 0 comments


The Value of Life Discussion Group[1] (a group convened by NZ Christian Network, see members below), is calling for papers from practitioners and academics for a book to be published in November 2016.

[1] Discussion group members: Peter Mihaere (Stand Against Slavery), John Kleinsman (Nathaniel Centre), Darren Ward (Direct Impact Group), Phil McCarthy (Prison Fellowship), Campbell Roberts (Salvation Army), Glyn Carpenter (New Zealand Christian Network)

When we think about wars and the refugee crisis unfolding nightly on TV, or the shocking numbers of people trapped in employment and sex slavery, or increasingly punitive attitudes in criminal justice, or the controversy around harvesting of foetal body parts, or growing pressures to liberalise laws on euthanasia or abortion, or a culture with growing levels of binge drinking, drug abuse, and other forms of self-harm, it is hard not to wonder “Has God given up on humanity?”

Does the notion of ‘human beings made in the image of God’ still have any relevance to modern day life? Does this fundamental biblical doctrine have any connection to areas such as trafficking, criminal justice, social justice, human rights, disabilities, or bioethics? If so, what is the relevance?  And what might be the consequences of dismissing this in the ongoing debates in any of these areas?

The publication will provide an opportunity for a reflection on the biblical doctrine of the imago dei(image of God), and its significance across a wide range of social issues. It will include the main issues facing society today, and explore sociological as well as theological and spiritual factors involved. In addition, the book will look at the unique role that the Church should play in addressing these issues.

The intended audience of the book is primarily Christian leaders, but it is expected that the book will be of interest to community and political leaders who are open to exploring all dimensions of the issues covered. The Value of Life Discussion Group will also be looking at ways to share the essential information in this book to the widest audience possible.

We welcome papers addressing a broad range of topics related to social issues, human dignity, and the value of life that is made in the image of God, including:


Please email a title and abstract (no more than 300 words) along with your name, contact details, and church or organisation, by 30 April 2016 to:
Glyn Carpenter, NZ Christian Network

The editing group will review the abstracts and respond by 10 May to let interested contributors know which papers will be included in the book.

Papers will be required by end of July and need to be submitted along with the name of a recognised theologian who confirms that the work is consistent with biblical principles and teaching.

Please circulate this Call for Papers to interested parties with relevant expertise and knowledge.

  • Poverty
  • Bioethics
  • Slavery/ trafficking
  • Criminal justice
  • Environment
  • Theological exposition
  • Refugees and migrants
  • Euthanasia
  • Abortion
  • Disabilities
  • Social justice
  • Human rights
  • and implications of the Other… imago dei doctrine

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