Honouring Glyn Carpenter

by | 9 Dec 2021 | 1 comment

Honouring Glyn Carpenter

by | 9 Dec 2021 | 1 comment

Glyn very capably served as National Director of NZCN from 2003 to early 2017.

Coming to Christ as an adult, Glyn was a man of convinced Christian faith. He had a strong Gospel focus, and a keen social conscience.

Glyn was personable, a superb networker, and was well-known among a great many Christians the length and breadth of New Zealand. He had a gift for connecting people, and for getting them to work together on important projects. He was always eager that the church in New Zealand should conduct itself well in a secularising and increasingly un-Christian society, and had a heart for Christians to work together well, and for reconciliation. Glyn was well-read, thought matters through deeply, and had a good eye for different sides of various issues. He was not afraid at times to speak up for a minority viewpoint.

Glyn became closely involved in the National Church Leaders’ gatherings, where his wisdom and bridge-building was much valued. Glyn was also very supportive of New Zealand’s bi-cultural journey. He vigorously supported the Te Rongopai video documentary, and was also the driving force behind the Gospel Bicentenary Statement.

Glyn’s thoughtfulness, networking skills, and wide vision also saw him become very involved internationally, through the World Evangelical Alliance as the Secretary General of the South Pacific.

Finally, the strength of Glyn’s Christian faith and character shone through as he bravely and prayerfully fought terminal cancer. We know he is now with the Lord, and Christine and family are in our prayers.

The funeral service for Glyn Carpenter will be livestreamed from 2pm on Friday 17 December at https://youtu.be/tPhJNwjgzW4

Author: NZCN Team

Gayann and her husband, Stephen, have provided web design and email communication support to NZCN since 2006. Gayann homeschooled their two children for nine years before she was ‘made redundant’ and officially joined our staff. Stephen and Gayann currently fellowship at The Upper Room, in Newmarket.

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1 Comment

  1. Gayann

    I’ve known Glyn for over 15 years. We met because he asked my husband to help him with sending out emails, which led to making the website more functional. And to spend time with my husband, I would help.

    Glyn was one of the first men I met who understood and supported our decision to homeschool our kids, who came to refer to him as “Uncle Glyn”. He would often drop in for a coffee and conversation.

    About 9 years ago, I rang Glyn and told him I’d been “made redundant” as a homeschool teacher. With a twinkle in his eye, he asked me if I would be willing to increase my volunteering.
    A few years later, in recognition of the hours I put, Glyn took a pay cut so I could be paid. He’d ask for my view on all manner of things and provide me with opportunities to be creative. He made me feel valued…

    God used Glyn to introduce me to so many people. He was the ultimate networker! I expected I’d leave NZCN when he did but, Glyn had other ideas and he encouraged me to stay on and work with Stuart.

    For as long as I’ve known him, building unity in the church, and helping people to reconcile were two of his biggest passions. His mantra was Jesus’ prayer, “may they be one that the world will know” (John 17).

    I am grateful to have known Glyn. A man who endeavoured to honour God with everything he did and who encouraged the potential that God placed in the people he met along the way.

    Aroha nui,

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