Dear Friend,
What are we learning (or re-learning) from this current COVID-19 crisis?
- That our lives are not as safe or as predictable as we presume to think
- That our only enduring anchor and hope is God
- That crises can usefully prompt us to reflect
- That basic human relationships of marriage, family and friendship really matter
- That the church also matters, both for Christ’s message and the community of his people
- That both work and rest are important (many of us rush around too much, and some time-out at home is good for us)
- That leadership makes a difference, and that Christians remain called to pray for those in authority
- That God is able to work for good in all circumstances
- That many churches have rediscovered basic pastoral care
- That the core tasks of the church do not depend on glitzy performances and outstanding facilities, but on faith, hope, love, the Gospel, the word,
- Prayer, and the work of the Holy Spirit
- That many in the church have been moved by this crisis to a greater prayerfulness
- That on-line church can reach a lot of previously unreached people
- That many people seem to have greater openness to God in this time

Pray As One NZ
The wonderful ZOOM-based nation-wide prayer gatherings which began last month, and which many hundreds of people participated in, begin again this Monday night, with a weekly 8.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. prayer gathering.
The New Zealand Christian Network team were heavily involved in the formation of the Pray As one NZ prayer movement, and have been very pleased to be associated with it. A wider advisory group (including representatives of other prayer networks) will continue and has accepted NZCN’s offer to take overall responsibility for Pray As One NZ.