What is the New Zealand Christian Network?
We are a registered non-profit organisation and our mission is to help Christians work together, build the Church, and positively influence society.
We network, develop relationships, identify issues where the Church can be more effective by working together, and help provide leadership for change.
In response to Jesus’ prayer “may they be one that the world will know” (John 17), we long to see greater unity in the Church, and for Christ’s influence to flourish in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Blogs & Articles
Read our blogs on the role of Christianity in both Aotearoa New Zealand and globally.
Being constructively Christian, in a changing culture
In countries dominated by western culture, there continues to be admiration for compassion, and respect for honesty, integrity, and humility. But there is no doubt that recent cultural trends in western countries no longer give general support to Christian faith and to many other Christian values.
Praying for mental health, in our troubled New Zealand society
In our fallen, flawed humanity, no one is immune to mental health struggles. Underlying predispositions, rejection, loneliness, loss, life crises, fractured relationships, addictions, stress, anxiety, moral confusion, and the lessening of Christian faith or hope.
There is more than one side to the abortion issue
The decision of the USA’s Supreme Court to overturn Wade v Roe and the nationwide “constitutional right” to abortion has been met with dismay and outrage by many people, both in the USA and beyond.
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