What is the New Zealand Christian Network?
We are a registered non-profit organisation and our mission is to help Christians work together, build the Church, and positively influence society.
We network, develop relationships, identify issues where the Church can be more effective by working together, and help provide leadership for change.
In response to Jesus’ prayer “may they be one that the world will know” (John 17), we long to see greater unity in the Church, and for Christ’s influence to flourish in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Blogs & Articles
Read our blogs on the role of Christianity in both Aotearoa New Zealand and globally.
Decision time & mandates
Whatever the decisions, it is important we respect one another, care for everyone, and strenuously guard our unity. Churches must also do everything they can to keep people safe.
“Original sin”: the doctrine that allows none of us to feel morally superior to anyone else
There is a lot of push back today against the doctrine of “original sin”. Some question whether the Bible teaches it, others question whether it is fair that someone pay the consequences for someone else’s sin.
Challenging Choices
As in wider society, there is significant anxiety among many Christians. o all Christians we say: love and honour one another, listen to one another, show the fruit of the Spirit, and whatever your views on lesser matters always keep Christ at the centre.
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