CTPI: Public Square – Issues of the Day
Listen to a panel discussion from the Centre for Theology & Public Issues (CTPI) recorded in August, 2013.
The questions discussed
were submitted by prospective members of the audience relating to issues of current concern including:
- surveillance
- the living wage
- the Michael Swann case
- regional development
- Christchurch’s new cardboard cathedral
- affordable housing
- the state of political parties
The panel included:
- Laura Black – CEO, Methodist Mission
- Dr Bryce Edwards – Department of Politics
- Greg Fleming – CEO, The Maxim Institute, and
- Jolyon White – Social Justice Enabler, Anglican Diocese of Christchurch
Andrew Bradstock, NZCN Unsung Hero Award recipient in the Secularism category for 2013, recently stepped down from his role as Centre Director to return to the United Kingdom and was not present for this discussion.
Glyn Carpenter, NZCN National Director, was in Dunedin for the three days prior to this recording, participating in discussions on similar issues with our secularism panel together with Andrew Bradstock.