Research possibly useful but ‘secular’ language misleading

Research possibly useful but ‘secular’ language misleading


New Zealand Christian Network national director Glyn Carpenter is interested in the study on religious values of Kiwis being undertaken by Professor Joseph Bulbulia, of Victoria University ( 30 Oct).  But he is surprised at the comment attributed to Mr Bulbulia that ‘census data showed the country had been secular since at least the 1960s’.

“That statement is so imprecise as to be meaningless and certainly not what one would expect to hear from a professional academic’ said Carpenter.

“It is also inaccurate given that even the most recent census data still shows around half of Kiwis still call themselves Christian.

“The constant repetition through the media that New Zealand is a secular might suit some people’s agendas” said Carpenter, “but it is confusing and misleading and just plain wrong”.

It is far better to describe New Zealand as a religiously plural country.  It would not be inaccurate to even describe New Zealand as a significantly Christian country because the largest belief group in the country is Christian.


via Former Priest Gets $760,000 To Study Religious Values… |

Research possibly useful but ‘secular’ language misleading

Freedom of belief needs to be respected

MEDIA RELEASE: With the amended marriage law coming into effect today, New Zealand Christian Network is asking MPs and others who advocated for the law change to respect the freedom of belief and conscience of those who hold different beliefs on this matter.

National Director Glyn Carpenter said, it would be a pity if those assurances are ignored and people are forced to participate against their consciences with ceremonies they do not agree with or face consequences.

“This affects far more people than just marriage celebrants. I have heard this week from people involved in service industries who are worried they may have to close their businesses if they do not provide services for marriage ceremonies they don’t agree with.

“Freedom of belief and conscience need to be taken very seriously, not just for ordained ministers, but for all people” said Carpenter.