Users Search for users... Search for users... Search Sort By Sort Options Display Name (A-Z) Display Name (Z-A) Newer Older First Name (A-Z) First Name (Z-A) Last Name (A-Z) Last Name (Z-A) Grid 1 Grid 2 Grid 3 Grid 4 Grid 5 Kirsty (ELEVATE Christian Disability Trust) Post1 Bio : Kirsty is the Ministry Liaison for Elevate Christian Disability Trust. She oversees the relationships Elevate has with Churches, making sure they are supported in their efforts of inclusion for people with disabilities in the church. Kirsty Armitage Kris Heale Kris Morrison Kyla Scrimgeour Laurel Hooper Lawrence Kirby LeaDev-Langham Post1 Leeanne McKinlay Leila Corban Posts navigation Newer posts1…2526272829…55Older posts