2014 Day of Prayer

by | 13 Nov 2014 | 0 comments

2014 Day of Prayer

by | 13 Nov 2014 | 0 comments

Is it possible to have a one day prayer connection from north to south, east to west?

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With modern technology the answer is ‘Yes’.

On Friday, November 7, a small group gathered in Wellington at Miramar Baptist Church, to Skype-pray with NZCN Regional Advocates and others across the nation, one region at a time.

Throughout the day, beginning in Whangarei at 9am and finishing in Invercargill at 4:30 pm, in half-hour time slots, the small group in Wellington heard 10 minute brief, perceived over-views, with the highlights and prayer needs of each place. This left about 15 minutes for those in Wellington to identify and pray regarding some of the needs mentioned with those who shared from each region. In this way those in Wellington were able to connect and pray with leaders from the 14 regions.

Overall we heard a common cry concerning drug abuse, loss of employment, earthquake strengthening issues, youth suicide, prayerlessness etc. But we also heard good reports. We heard of strong caring relational networks. We heard how Churches in many places are combining to celebrate Gospel beginnings in the nation and locally. We heard how Churches are working together to meet the needs of their locality, both spiritual and physical, along with a desire to honour and help civic leaders.

In an end of the day wrap-up, we in Wellington felt very privileged to have had a window into some of what God is doing across Aotearoa.

We thanked God for a blessed day – good Skype connections – wonderful fellowship in cyber-space.

Thank you Glyn Carpenter for your leadership. Thank you Phil Coates and the people of Miramar Baptist church for hosting us.

A final note: two of us had this scripture for their daily reading. It was very appropriate.

The inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, “Let us continue to go and pray before the Lord and seek the Lord of hosts …”

Zechariah 8:21
Colin Shaw
Author: Colin Shaw

Colin, with his wife Grace, was commissioned by the City by City team and carry a God-given burden/vision for Christian leaders, in each locality, to gather as one in order to share and pray together. They encourage Christian leaders to focus on what they have in common rather than the things that too often divide and to keep all things Christ-centered. All that Christ be made known and glorified through His Body the church of that locality.

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