As the Traffic Light system begins, there is an impressive range of ways in which New Zealand churches are planning to move forward.
- Many churches where it appears everyone is vaccinated will move ahead with certificated services
- Many churches will hold both certificated and open-entry services, either at different times or in separate spaces
- Many churches will hold just open-entry services
- Many churches will focus on gatherings in homes, at least until February
- Almost all churches will retain an on-line worship option
One way or another, most churches are working hard to care for everyone. Whatever options are chosen, the safety of our people must always be protected.
Note: in the Red level, the 10-only limit for uncertificated gatherings has now been raised to 25, and it has been clarified that staff and workers are not counted in number limits. Also, Minister Michael Wood has clarified (and this may help some) that “Workers at gatherings are only required to be vaccinated when attendees are required to hold a My Vaccine Pass. This means that workers at gatherings that choose to operate within capacity constraints set out in the COVID-19 Protection Framework, without vaccine passes, do not have to be vaccinated”.