Christianity in New Zealand
An opportunity for the Spirit of God to move: the Franklin Graham God Loves You Tour (NZ)
A couple of weeks ago NZCN news reflected on the ongoing necessity of Christian believers sharing the good news of Jesus with others – in conversations, and in the teaching and preaching of our churches. We need to do that in ways which are loving, prayerful, clear,...
Biblical faith or contemporary culture?
Biblical faith or contemporary culture? How can Christians respect their context, and speak well into their surrounding culture? How can they remain biblically faithful, rather than surrender to the assumptions and pressures of the culture they live in?
Christians, governments, and New Zealand politics
Ultimately, the road to a better New Zealand is not political, but spiritual. It is in renewed and flourishing Christian churches, and in a new wave of Christian faith across wider New Zealand society.
Questions for all New Zealand churches
New Zealand Christian Network suggests that the growing public scrutiny of churches raises important broader questions for all New Zealand churches – irrespective of their denomination, size, style, ethnicity or location.
Family First and charitable status
In a free society, the State should refrain from trying to restrain those groups whose views it finds unpalatable.
Matariki and Christian faith
Many Christians can agree that, in our bi-cultural nation, it is a respectful and appropriate move for our country to acknowledge the Māori New Year with a new public holiday.