Christianity in New Zealand
Decision time & mandates
Whatever the decisions, it is important we respect one another, care for everyone, and strenuously guard our unity. Churches must also do everything they can to keep people safe.
Challenging Choices
As in wider society, there is significant anxiety among many Christians. o all Christians we say: love and honour one another, listen to one another, show the fruit of the Spirit, and whatever your views on lesser matters always keep Christ at the centre.
A Christian Code of Mutual Respect: Covid edition
A reminder to all that we are called to live in unity – to love our brother as we love ourselves. To respect one another’s views, consciences, and choices made.
New Zealand churches and the new Covid Protection Framework
We set out our take on the new rules as they apply to churches, and also suggest some options for how churches may gather. These are far from easy times, but we are confident that with God’s guidance we can find our way through.
Many issues, many views – and ONE Lord, ONE Body
In the last week or so we have become aware of many Christians writing on the matters we have been discussing regarding church and vaccination status. Here are some of them…
Christian churches and Covid lockdowns, the jab, and vaccination certificates
As in society at large, Christian people and churches hold a wide range of views on all sorts of things, including some of the current issues around Covid and vaccinations. But here’s our take on what the majority of Christians and churches think in these matters…